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FLEX 升學顧問 FACEBOOK的詩歌創作抽獎活動歡迎您參加


Holidays are event days. Here's this month's contest! Time to WIN! WIN!! WIN!!!

Good afternoon everyone! Next Thursday, October 8, 2015 is the National Poetry Day and the theme this year will be “Light”. This holiday was found in 1994 to promote poetry. In 2013, Prince Charles himself had participated during National Poetry Day.

大家下午好! 十月八號星期四是國家诗歌日,今年的主題是”光”。 國家诗歌日的設立于1994年,目的是為了宣傳诗歌的創作、閱讀、和出版。2013年查爾斯王子參加了國家诗歌日的慶祝活動。

Submit a poetry in your voice through comments below to show support for poetry and your name will be submitted for the first raffle event FLEX will have in November! Length of the poetry needs to be at least 4 lines and follow the theme of “Light”. Be creative! One entry per person.

歡迎您參加FLEX十一月份的詩歌創作抽獎活動。請將您創作的詩歌填寫在評論欄內並提交。詩歌需要圍繞“光”的主題進行創作。詩歌長度至少四行。請各位發揮你們的想像力! 一人只限提交一次。

Entry starts at 3:00pm on 10/1/2015 and ends at 11:59pm on 10/31/2015.

活動時間: 10/1/2015 下午5:00pm ~ 10/31/2015 晚間11:59pm。

The winner will be picked and announced during first 2 weeks of November. The prize will be a $25 gift card and the winner will have 1 month of time to come to FLEX Diamond Bar office to pick up the prize.

獲勝者名單將在十一月第1-2週公布。優秀獎獎品是$ 25的禮品卡。請獲勝者在一個月內到FLEX Diamond Bar的辦公室來取獎品。

21308 Pathfinder Rd., #103, Diamond Bar, CA 91765
聯繫電話:(909) 784-0820
網址是: facebook.com/flexdb


