親愛的學生們和家長們,FLEX的 Palladian Workshop 正在招生中!
Palladian Workshop 是7-11年級學生都建議參加的輔導課程. FLEX Palladian Workshop為您的孩子評估大學主修和職業,選擇最理想的課程,規劃整年的課外活動,研究暑期課程,規劃履歷表,等等. 詳情請點入FLEX網頁: www.flexcollegeprep.com/palladian/workshops
不要錯過截止時間,請趕快打電話預約一個免費的顧問諮詢!TEL: 909-784-0820
Hello students and parents, FLEX Palladian Workshop is now open for registration!
Palladian Workshop is suggested for all students from 7th-11th grade. Palladian Workshop includes Major and Career Assessment, School Course Selection, Extracurricular Planning, Summer Program Research, Resume Preparation and more! For more details, please visit FLEX website: www.flexcollegeprep.com/palladian/workshops
Give us a call and ask about our 1-time free consultation meeting with our counselor! TEL: 909-784-0820