學生時期幾乎大家都會說的19個謊言! 今天先揭穿4項!
1. "媽, 我沒有功課."
真相: 今天有上課, 也就當然有功課, 但我想看電視所以我就說說謊然後明天上課時再抄別人的就好了.
2. "老師今天才跟我們說有這項大科學報告."
真相: 我其實一個月前就知道有這份報告了, 但是一直到今晚才記起來, 所以我現在在求你幫我一起完成它.
3. "有的, 媽, 冷凍庫裡的雞已經拿出來了."
真相: 我其實根本是忘了把它從冷凍庫拿出來, 所以現在正在慌慌張張的沖冷水和丟進微波爐裡解凍."
4. "這遊戲我只玩了半小時."
真相: 其實在從你離開家裡時我就已經開始玩了, 玩到眼睛都看不清楚了.
19 Ridiculous Lies Literally Everyone Told As Kids (Revealing top 4 today!)
1. “No I don’t have any homework, Mum.”
The truth: Obviously I have homework, it’s a school day, but I want to watch TV now so I’m going to lie about it and then copy it off someone in class tomorrow.
2. “The teacher only told us about this massive science project today.”
The truth: I have known about the project for over a month but completely forgot to mention it ‘til tonight so I am telling you this now so that you will please help me make it.
3. “Yes, Mum, I have taken the chicken out of the freezer.”
The truth: I did not remember to take it out the freezer and I’m now trying to panic-defrost it by running it under the tap and shoving it in the microwave.
4. “I’ve only been playing this game for like half an hour.”
The truth: I have been playing from the second you left the house and can barely see any more.
-By Gadd, BuzzFeed
-- 什麼是你的大學夢想?我們可以讓這些夢想成真。
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