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《華藏寺》阿彌陀佛聖誕法會 Amitabha Buddha Dharma Assembly



阿彌陀佛  極樂教主  四八弘願  接引渡生  信願力行  莊嚴淨土  一心正念  九品超登


今恭逢阿彌陀佛聖誕,聯合國際世界佛教總部 (U.I.W.B.A.H.) 、華藏寺 (Hua Zang Si)、聖格講堂(Sanger Mission)謹訂於20151227 (星期日)上午930於舊金山華藏寺聯合啟建阿彌陀佛聖誕法會。是日將誦經念佛,並將法會功德迴向世界和平,人民安樂,所有有情皆能求生淨土。歡迎十方善信,踴躍參與,增福增慧,共證菩提。

Amitabha Buddha of the western direction is one of the five Dhyani Buddhas. He is a disciple of the primordial Dorje Chang Buddha. When He was a practitioner during past lives, He made 48 great vows. After He became a Buddha, He created a magnificent Buddhist pure land, which is called The Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. Amitabha Buddha is the founder of Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

To celebrate the holy birthday of Amitabha Buddha, the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters (U.I.W.B.A.H.), Hua Zang Si and Sanger Mission will jointly hold The Amitabha Buddha Dharma Assembly at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco on Sunday, December 27, 2015 at 9:30a.m.

During the Dharma assembly, we will recite sutras and chant the holy name of the Buddha. Merit will be dedicated to the attainment of world peace, happiness and harmony of all people. It is our sincere wish that all sentient beings gain rebirth in a Buddhist pure land.

All believers from the ten directions are welcome to join the Dharma assembly. This is a precious opportunity for sincere participants to increase their wisdom and fortune on the path to Bodhi.


地址:3134 22nd St., San Francisco, CA 94110

(編輯 Patrick)


關於 華藏寺