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On Friday, the 25th, the entire Christian world will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ 2015 years ago. Christmas is the birthday of Jesus who is the manifestation of God’s love and mercy for mankind. He is consubstantial with the Father, God from God, begotten, not made and through Him all things were made, and all things are held together. What holds the whole universe together is Jesus Christ. All these atoms, protons, neutrons, all the laws of physics which men discover, Jesus is the one who holds all of these, everything in the universe, it is He who holds these together, and it is because of Him that the universe and everything in it exists. Therefore, the birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant and important event in the entire history of mankind. On that day, God became man and walked among us, to die for our sins, to explain to us that in his infinite mercy and love for humankind, He sent His only and beloved son, to redeem us from our fallen nature, the save us from our damnation, the free us from the claws of Lucifer, who spearheads the rebellion against God because of his pride.

This is what the Christian world celebrates on Friday, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Christmas is not about gift giving. It is about God becoming man. It is the expression of God’s love for his creation, on the pinnacle of which is man and woman. Our ancestors, Adam and Eve, broke their relationship with God when they ate of the forbidden fruit at the instigation of Lucifer. Before the fall, Adam and Eve never felt hunger; want, deprivation, illness, fear and they never aged. Their bodies were made to last for eternity. This is really what our bodies were meant to be. We were not meant to get old, get sick and die. We were supposed to have bodies that never got old, never got sick, and never died. We were meant to have perpetual youth for eternity with our Father in heaven. But once Adam & Eve ate of the forbidden fruit in the tree of life, they lost their innocence before God, they chose to follow Lucifer and lost their trust in God, they chose the way of the flesh, so as a consequence, their bodies became inferior and became subject to decay. This was not God’s original plan for humankind.

How can the broken relationship between God and humankind be rectified, how can it be restored to where it was before? No man or woman has the intrinsic self worth to do this. No amount of money or sacrifice or good works can heal this broken relationship. Even if you combine all the wealth of all the billionaires and millionaires in the world and give them all to charity in the name of man or woman, this broken relationship will not heal. Man or woman has no power to heal this relationship. So our God, in his infinite love and mercy for us, decided to send in only and begotten son Jesus Christ to become man, to die for our sins, to restore the broken relationship to where it was before, before Adam and Eve broke it, before sin entered the world.

Therefore, the birth of Jesus Christ is the expression of God’s mercy and love for us who are by our very nature worthless no matter how much material wealth or power we have. You cannot buy your way to heaven with money or good works of charity. You cannot buy your way to heaven by ritualistic religiosity. The only way you can get to heaven is if you let Jesus Christ into your heart because the only way you can get to the Father is through Jesus Christ. “No one gets to the Father, except through Me And I am the way, the truth and the life,” said Jesus. That is a plain and simple statement. And God does not lie. There are no ifs and buts about it. All these things that people do, craving for power, wealth, wars, drugs, pleasure etc., these are just chasing the wind, they are all for nothing. At the end of our life, we all die. Death is the great equalizer, is it not? Isn’t it safer for you to believe now that Jesus is the way to enter heaven? You are gambling with your soul. I don’t think you will enjoy being in hell for the rest of eternity.

There is only one true God. That is why God has said that He is the one true God, and there are no other Gods except Him. By God, we refer to the God of Moses and Israel, whose only Son, Jesus Christ, became man and died for our sins, to redeem us, to give us a chance to enter heaven and be with them for eternity with bodies that last forever. This means the one true God is Adonai, El Shaddai, El Elohim, Yahweh, Jehovah. Those are His names. So, on Christmas day, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, God who became man. Give your gifts if you must, but don’t ever forget what Christmas is really about.


Lawrence B. Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University with a Master’s Degree in Law and specializes in Bankruptcy, Business, Real Estate and Civil Litigation.  He speaks English, Mandarin and Fujian and has successfully represented thousands of clients in California, including companies overseas.  Please call Angie, Barbara or Jess at (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 1000 S. Fremont Ave., MAILSTOP 58 BUILDING A-1 SUITE 1125, Alhambra, CA OR at 20274 Carrey Road, Walnut, CA 91789.


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