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雖然現在申請大學是“難度特高”時代 ,時機造英雄! 我們有一位學生得到10所排名特高的私立大學錄取 (前20所排名校進了10所)。

每年, 野心大的學生都想進一個榮耀的"俱樂部" -- HYPSM "俱樂部" (哈佛/耶魯/普淋斯頓/史丹佛/MIT)。今年,我們有3位學生得到這個終身"俱樂部"的資格; 這3位巨星爭取到HYPSM "俱樂部"裡面 至少2所。還有, 我們有多位學生 奪到大家最想奪得旗 --常春藤名校。

往年,萬里學生都有得到一個加州學生最羨慕的目標 --- 加州3冠王 (柏克萊, UCLA, 南加大)。今年也不例外。其實, 今年我們有十五位爭取到加州3冠王 --新的記錄。今年同時拿到3冠王到底有多難?柏克萊的錄取率=14.8%; UCLA的錄取率=16.5%; 南加大的錄取率=16.5% 。

最後,我們萬里有32位進柏克萊 ,28位進UCLA , 49 位進 UC San Diego -- 全部新記錄!雖然 UCSD 錄取率=30% ,我們學生幾乎都輕鬆進。

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現在申請大學變成3個段落 : (1) 提早申請 ; (2) 常規錄取 ; (3) 候補。我們很感動看到學生的 “永不放棄”的態度寫候補信給學校, 希望可以進更好的學校。我們相信,在候補的學生五月份會收到更好的消息!

萬里法律教育集團 敬上

Dear Students and Parents,

We are excited and thrilled to report our Admission Results for the Class of 2016 as follows:

As everyone knows, it gets harder and harder every year. It’s just NOT possible to receive all acceptances and no rejections. So throughout this process, our students were mentally tough, because with acceptances came rejections also.

In turbulent time, heroes always emerge. For example, one student had garnered 10 acceptances to top-ranking private schools. We have several students gaining acceptances to multiple Ivies, as well 3 Students with multiple acceptances into the exclusive HYPSM Club(Harvard/Yale/Princeton/Stanford/MIT).

To show how Strong our Students are, we also have a record 15 Students secured the covetedCA Triple Crown – acceptances into Berkeley, UCLA and USC. This is a Heroic Feat since theadmission rates to these 3 top-ranking schools are at all-time low: Berkeley = 14.8%; UCLA = 16.5%; USC = 16.5%. Our 32 Acceptances into Berkeley and 28 into UCLA are all-time Highs!

Lastly, we also have a record 49 acceptances into UC San Diego (Admit rate = Approx. 30%).

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The College Admission Process now has become 3 Stages: (1) Early Application; (2) Regular Decision; (3) Waitlist Game. And we are glad to see that Students are patient enough to work on their Waitlist letters, and try to get in even better schools. With patience and effort, we believe there will be even MORE Good News when WL decisions are released in May!

