Flex College Prep新法升學顧問中心在鑽石吧這星期六為學生和家長推出'免費大學入學作文小班制寫作討論會' (5/28/2016 10:00am - 12:00pm)! 歡迎大家上網或來電報名!
這是我們六月開課前的最後一次免費大學作文討論會! 希望大家能把握好時間不要錯過機會!
Flex大學論文班在六月份即將開課. 學生們應該在暑假時就開始寫他們的大學論文. 要從暑假就抓緊時間才有充足的時間寫出心中理想的文章.
免費大學入學作文小班制寫作討論會,由Flex College Prep新法教育學院的專業作文老師指導寫作技巧及如何鋪陳文章的內容。好的大學入學申請作文會替申請學生加分;而如何適當的透過寫作當中表現自己也是一個關鍵。在此次的小班制作文研討會中,學生會了解在寫作過程中什麼該寫入;什麼不該寫入作文中。學生也會透過好的寫作範本學會發想新的寫作主題,進而在他們申請表格中譜出動人的入學申請作文;獲得閱卷官的青睞。
活動細節: (5/28/2016 : 10 - 12 PM)
10:00AM - 11:00AM 1小時說明會 + 11:00AM - 12:00PM 1小時讓學生們體驗和我們經驗豐富的論文老師一同寫文章的感覺.
此活動只適用於2017年的畢業生,學生要自己帶手提電腦。你的大學夢想是什麼?不管它是什麼;Flex College Prep新法教育學院可以提供幫助!我們用心專業;服務親切;誠信可靠;始終如一。
如有需要請隨時聯繫我們: 909-784-0820. 我們也可以在電話上幫您報名. 謝謝!
Hello Flex Families,
Flex is presenting College Essay & Application Class starting in June to current 11th grade students. ( Class of 2017).
Students need to prepare for College Applications for ( Common Application + UC application and supplement essays for private colleges ). They should begin to work on these starting in summer so that they will have plenty of time to go over and revise them before the deadline.
Flex would like to offer one LAST FREE College Essay Workshop this year to let the students know how our essay class works. It will be one hour seminar to hear how the application process works and one hour of real essay writing practice with our essay special instructors.
Event Date: 5/28/2016 10-12pm. (Students needs to bring their own laptop)
Please register online or call our center for registration help.
www.flexcollegeprep.com/workshops/ - College Essay Workshop
Flex Diamond Bar 909-784-0820