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11/10/2016     崧峰律師事務所

崧峰律師事務所很榮幸和您分享一個好消息。知名的智慧財產法權威律師王崧峰Tommy SF Wang (原立峰專業律師事務所中心創始合夥人) 將在南加州成立一新的高端知識產權及商業法事務所。崧峰律師事務所目標係為客戶提供全球性的知識產權保護。

“我們事務所完全專精於知識產權,並非像某些事務所,只是另外設立一個智財小部門,我們希望帶領大家認知知識產權的重要性,成為智慧財產權法領域事務所的表率。” 王律師表示“我們知識產權的客戶,將會與具有法律學位的專業工程師和科學家合作,唯有具備技術背景的工程師和科學家,才能充分了解客戶專利的技術”



王律師將帶領資深受僱律師樊恩婷Leontyne Fan,黃盈心Annie Wong,外部顧問Ramon Trujillo ,及受僱律師陳㨗安 Ann Chen, Jonathan Fang, 陳韋廷Tom Chen和吳棠華Donna Woo團隊,持續為客戶服務。專利代理人 Abed Dawudi , Eric Wang及所有在海外包含台灣,中國,韓國及日本的事務所,亦會同時為客戶提供專業的智慧財產權服務。在接下來幾個月,立峰專業律師事務所中心之業務將會全部轉移到崧峰律師事務所。


崧峰律師事務所據點遍佈全球,在洛杉磯,工業市,爾灣市及台北,都設有辦公室。詳細訊息,請參考www. TheWangIPLaw.com或致電626-269-6753。

Wang Intellectual Property Law Group Announcement

Wang Intellectual Property Law Group, P.C. is pleased to announce that effective today, prominently known intellectual property lawyer Tommy SF Wang (former founding partner of Yang & Wang, P.C.) will be opening a high-end intellectual property and business law boutique in Southern California. The goal of Wang IP Law will be to serve its clientele with a global emphasis on intellectual property protection.

“We intend to create a leading firm that looks at intellectual property as a focal point, rather than as a department created to satisfy client demand,” said Mr. Wang. “For our intellectual property clients, they will be working with engineers and scientists with law degrees, rather than lawyers with a technical background.”

The previous firm found by Mr. Wang was initially established to focus on intellectual property and business law, but eventually segued to cater to clients with personal injury, traffic citation, and family law needs. Wang IP Law will be re-shifting the focus back onto intellectual property and business law.

Mr. Wang has been practicing patent law since 2008. He is a registered patent attorney who is licensed to practice law in California, all federal courts of California, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Mr. Wang is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese, and serves clients throughout California, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and Israel.

Mr. Wang will be joined by senior associates Leontyne Fan-Lazerus and Annie W. Yang, Of-Counsel Ramon Trujillo and Associates Ann Chieh-An Chen, Jonathan Fang, Tom Chen, and Donna Woo of Yang & Wang, P.C. Patent agents Abed Dawudi and Eric Wang, in addition to the foreign associates in Taiwan, China, Korea, and Japan will continue to be an integral part of the global intellectual property emphasis. In the coming months, Yang & Wang, P.C. will transition to the new firm.

Wang IP Law Group will be primarily focused on patent, trademark, and copyright. Additionally, the firm will handle licensing, international business transactions, outside general counsel services, and other complex business litigation matters.

The firm will have offices internationally in Los Angeles, City of Industry, Irvine, and Taipei.
For more information, please visit www. TheWangIPLaw.com or call 626-269-6753.


關於 崧峰律師事務所