DSC's Holidays Treat to Our Friends and Guests
For $499.00 package --
Office: (626) 285-0800
~ 感恩節大回饋 ~
微創醫美 打造新輪廓
小V臉高鼻子 效果立見!
$ 499* 瘦臉去皺針 + 玻尿酸填充注射
$499 套餐包括:
- 50 單位 Dysport 注射瘦臉或去皺;
- 1支玻尿酸填充注射
DSC 為你的節日增添動人魅力風采 !
預約免費面談、美芝秀熱線 (626)285 - 0800
* Limited offer. Offer cannot be combined with other specials. Restrictions may apply.
* Not all clients are suitable for above procedures. Eligibility will be confirmed after initial consultation. .
DSC Hotline ( 626 ) 285 - 0800