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2017 林大衛保險智庫商業講座

01/09/2017     林大衛保險

Every year, labor and tax laws are subject to change in both federal and California State. Particularly in 2017, when the new president take office, there will be significant changes in taxation and law. In order to pay back to the vast number of owners, Topco Insurance team will hold a seminar, aiming to analyze the latest tax and labor law. The seminar will also address the problems encountered by employers, with on-sited solutions.
2017年1月20日(週五)下午2:00 - 5:00
01/20/2017 Friday 2-5pm
Rosemead - Double Tree Hotel
888 Montebello Blvd, Rosemead, CA 91770
演講嘉賓及主題/Speakers and topics
Jason Yu律師
  • 2017年僱傭1099員工的新規
  • 2017年最低薪及帶薪假在加州不同城市的要求
  • 2017年員工手冊的新規定
Jason Yu (Esq.)
  • New rules to hire 1099 employees in 2017
  • 2017 minimum wage and paid leave requirements in different cities of California
  • New regulations for the 2017 Employee Handbook
  • 如何預防
    • 合約引起的訴訟
    • 違反ADA(殘障法)引起的訴訟
    • 勞工糾紛引起訴訟
  • 萬一因以上情況被告如何處理?
Rose W. Tsai(Esq.)
  • How to prevent
    • Contract-induced litigation
    • Violation of the ADA (Disability Act) lawsuit
    • Labor disputes litigation
  • As a defendant, how to deal with the case arising from the above situations
  • 如何通過合同防範員工竊取商業機密和知識產權?
  • 反不公平競爭條款有效嗎?
  • 保密條款該怎麼寫?商標,版權和專利如何保護?
Bin Li(Attorney)
  • How to prevent employees from stealing trade secrets and intellectual property rights through contract?
  • Are anti-unfair competition provisions effective?
  • How to write confidentiality? How are trademarks, copyrights and patents protected? 
Tony Dong會計師
  • 全球版肥咖法案上路--跨國人士如何應對國際搶稅大戰?
  • 外國人怎樣利用公司形式投資美國並獲得稅務減免?
  • 一張圖看懂川普減稅法案--如何為公司節稅?
Tony Dong(CPA)
  • How to deal with the international tax evasion war for multinational people?
  • How do foreigners invest in the US and get tax breaks?
  • A picture to understand Trump Tax Reduction Act-how to save the company tax?
  • 2017新健保,如何節省團體健保40%的保費?
  • 雇主被告--如何用保險來支付訴訟及賠償費用?
David Lin
  • How to save 40% of group health insurance premiums in 2017 new health insurance?
  • Employer Defendant-How your insurance cover the litigation and compensation costs?
本次演講座位有限,需報名入場,歡迎各位僱主報名參加,報名電話 800-778-8588也可以點擊下方的"報名參加"按鈕直接報名。我們會為您安排座位。
To answer business owners' questions of the tax and hard legal issues on site. Gifts and the latest 2017 labor posters will be provided with annual updates. 
Seats are limited. Please make your reservation by calling at 800-778-8588 or click the "REGISTER" button below to register. We will arrange the seats for you.
