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【新法教育學院 FLEX COLLEGE PREP】華僑文教中心最新大學申請動態暨助學金講座

02/21/2017     新法教育學院

最新大學申請趨勢為何?加大和私立學校要何種人格特質的學生?大學助學金申請的迷思及誤區又是什麼?529計劃是最常見的大學儲蓄計劃;有某些税務上的優勢。另外有一種名為Coverdell 的教育儲蓄計劃;都在Federal Student Aid上算是家長的資產。但是,這樣的計劃是唯一的好選擇嗎?UTMA或UGMA又是什麼様的帳戶?對大學助學金的申請有何影響?父母的退休帳戶及主要居住的房子如何在FAFSA上申報?用IRA支付子女大學的學費是好方法嗎?

孩子唸大學或申請大學的過程中,根據全美教育中心的數據資料顯示;有85%的學生需要某種程度的助學金或貸款補助。為了能達到比較有利的FAFSA申請,在一般家庭開始將資產挪移之前;您必需了解什麼資產是屬於Countable資產。另外、助學補助金的多寡,取決於EFC的計算?因此,如何降低EFC就是重㸃!部分學校只是採用標準的FAFSA表格;有些學校特別是私立學校有們自己的申請方式。或許它們在FASFSA外有可能用CSS/Financial Aid Profile,也有可能把家庭淨值或家長開何種車列入考慮。


想要了解以上問題的解答嗎?這些疑慮相信在本次講座中會得到滿意的回答。大學申請和教育基金是密不可分的;更離不開適當地規劃。為了替更多的家長及學子分憂解勞;Flex College Prep新法教育學院特別和及理財顧問王健佳,聯袂推出最新大學申請動態暨助學金講座。

地點:舊金山灣區華僑文教中心 100 S. Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035。


Trends & Changes in College Admission, Financial Aid Seminar

What is the most current trending for college admission? UC campus need what kind students? What is the myth for the college funding and subsidy? Is this the best strategy to use 529 fund the college funding? What is the Coverdell? Any other options? What is the UTMA? What is UGMA? Does this kind account has any influence on the college subsidy? How to report parent's retirement account on FAFSA? Use IRA account pay for kids college is one of the best way?

During the process in the college, according to the US statistics, there is 85% students need any sort of financial aid or subsidy. In order to get better advantage to fill in the FAFSA application, you need to figure what is so called countable asset? In addition, the amount of financial aid depends upon the calculation of EFC. Thus, how to reduce the EFC is the key. Some schools only adopt the standard FAFSA forms, some other private school has their own way to apply.

How to adjust the SAT test? How about ACT? Which college is the best fit for me? Do you know what is the new trend for college admission? Apply for the elite schools and get the most financial aid or subsidy is every family and student's dream. How to wisely prepare the SAT and ACT test is the key. In order to provide the all around education and financial aid information , Flex College Prep and senior and MaxVal CA Registered CPA Li Wang, financial advisor Harvest Wang will co present the college admission trending and financial myth seminar.

We try to provide the most accurate and up to date information to the family and student. Seminar time is March 4 Saturday between 2pm to 4pm. Location San Francisco Chinese Culture Center 100 S. Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035。Seats are limited, please call in to register. Event hotline510-996-7291510-668-0880
Website:flexcollegeprep.com。We look forward to seeing you at the seminar.
