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資產調查 Asset Search

09/18/2017     亞力山大偵探調查事務所

許多個人或公司請求進行資產調查,是為了幫助他們解決債務問題, 核實離婚時的財物狀況,解決人體傷害事件或者完成商業交易。

Many individuals and companies request an Asset Search to help them to collect debt, verify a financial statement during divorce, to settle personal injury cases, or to complete business transaction. 

資產調查是證實一個人是否值得信任的唯一途徑。當面臨一筆大的交易時,為確保對方有充足的資金支付給你, 你最好事先做好資產調查。如果有人欠你錢,資產調查可以幫助妳判明對方說沒有資金付給你是否是事實。

Asset Search is the only way you will know if someone is truly trustworthy or not. It will be a good idea to order an Asset Search to be sure that you'll be paid and that the other party, or parties, have sufficient funds to pay you in full when involved in a big transaction. If you're owed money, an Asset Search will let you know if it's worth going to court or not and if their claims of not having money to pay you are true.

依據顧客的不同要求,資產調查的方式也會有所不同。可以是最基本的資產調查,即是個人或公司持有的個人財產或房地產 。深入一點的資產調查可能會包括背景調查,秘密監視調查或電腦信息調查。資產調查是判斷一個人或企業是否使用虛假名稱,涉嫌欺詐,隱藏資產或有隱藏可疑記錄的唯一方式。

There're many different ways to perform an Asset Search; depending on your particular needs. It could be just the basic Asset Search to locate personal property or real estate held by an individual or company. A deeper Asset Search may include a background check, surveillance work, or computer investigations. Only an Asset Search can determine whether or not a person or a business is using a false name, is involved in fraud, hiding assets, or hiding a suspicious track record.



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888-433-3951 (English)


關於 亞力山大偵探調查事務所