Flex College Prep What is your college dream? Whatever it is, Flex can help!
時間 : 2018年1月20日周六下午3時至4時
地點 : 新法教育學院 Pasadena Center, 230 S Lake Ave #5, Pasadena, CA 91101
特邀講員 :
Qing James Ren專業理財顧問,從事FAFSA申請多年,有多個成功FAFSA申請的案例分享。
申請到心中理想的大學是每個學子的夢想,但高昂的學費卻是讓父母傷透腦筋,到底要如何來準備及面對每年高漲的大學學費?大學助學金或是貸款如何申請?每個學生都有資格去申請嗎?EFC、AGl或是出租房子的收入會不會影響到子女獎學金的申請?利用房屋淨值貸款或利率低的重新貸款是支付大學費用適當選項嗎?不管是公立或是私立學校,怎樣可以拿到最多的大學助學金?如何申請?Need Based和Merit Based 的獎助學金又什麼不同之處?用退休帳戶來支付子女的大學費用是良策嗎?聯邦可以申請的獎助學金FAFSA要多早開始準備申請?為能達到比較有利FAFSA申請,在開始將資產挪移前;您必需了解什麼是屬於Countable資產。助學補助金的多寡,取決於EFC的計算?如何降低EFC就是重!部分學校只採用標準FAFSA表格;有些私立學校有自己申請方式。或許在FASFSA外有可能用CSS/Financial Aid Profile,也有可能把家庭淨值或家長開何種車列入考慮。家中資產多寡及收入高低會對於這樣的申請造成任何的衝擊嗎?有其他方式可以參考嗎?家長及子女的資產計算方式又為何?如果有了529或Coverdell帳戶是否不利於獎助學金的申請?
為更好的提供大家完整升學及助學金各方面的解答,Flex College Prep新法教育學院及著名專業財務顧問Qing James Ren將共同合作,為您解析申請助學金祕辛揭露講座。
Flex College Prep What is your college dream? Whatever it is, Flex can help!
Seminar Topics: Financial Tips and Myth
Time: 1/20/2018, Saturday, 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Venue : Flex College Prep Pasadena Center, 230 S Lake Ave #5, Pasadena, CA 91101
Guest Speaker:
Qing James Ren is a licensed financial advisor specialized in college financial aid and non-529 fund. He has been conducting seminars about applying for college financial aid (FAFSA) for local and immigrant families.
Another issue that concerns both students and parents is education financial aids. How do you manage the ever-rising tuitions? Do you know how to apply for financial aids or student loans? Is every student qualified one way or another to apply? How do EFC (Expected Family Contribution), AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) or rental income affect the student’s application for scholarships? Is it a good option to pay the tuition by home equity or refinance loan? How about by pension in the retirement account? What are the terms or conditions for acquiring the maximum amount of different aids? What are the differences between need-based and merit-based scholarships? And what is the earliest filing date for FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)?
To apply by FAFSA, the amount of financial aid is decided by the calculation of EFC. They are inversely proportional. Therefore, how to skillfully reduce EFC is a major point. The family has to differentiate the countable assets from the unaccountable before they start asset transferring. Some schools provide standard forms, but some private schools have totally different evaluation procedures, who might use CSS/Financial Aid Profile and evaluate the net value of family assets or even what kind of car the family has. Family assets, then, are a factor that has major impact on successful applications. Family assets include those of both parents and children. Therefore, 529 and Coverdell accounts could be influential.
Parents, all of your questions regarding college admissions and financial aid applications will be answered at this seminar!