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09/24/2018     好萊塢鋼琴公司


我們想邀請您參加由國際知名鋼琴技師David Andersen先生在私人工作室舉辦的獨家“一次性”免費活動。 David是我們在南加州的首席鋼琴技師,我們聘請他為所有頂級鋼琴提供服務和維護。

本次特別活動將在他的陳列室/鋼琴研討會Atelier舉行,地址為3587 Ocean View Avenue , Los Angeles,90066。這是對Mason&Hamlin鋼琴品牌的慶祝和個人介紹,該品牌有著長久而豐富的音樂史。這些頂級的鋼琴是美國製造的最後一個鋼琴品牌之一,位於馬薩諸塞州的Haverhill。我們很高興地說大衛最近被要求訪問他們的生產設施,以協助改進和改進這些已經很棒的鋼琴。

 我們希望親自邀請您,您的朋友和您的家人到David的工作室觀看,播放和見證這些鋼琴真正令人驚嘆。 Mason&Hamlin將製作每個型號中的一個,包括他們久負盛名的“50”型。

 活動僅限兩天,週六 - 9月29日和周日 - 9月30日,上午11點至下午5點

大衛的一些親愛的音樂家朋友,如Brian Pezzone,Chris Guardino,Geoff Stradling以及更多玩家出現時,我們將有特別的表演。酒店將提供免費開胃菜和點心。


 如需回复,請致電Leigh Moore @ 800-697-4266 EXT 7004.我們希望您能在任何一天加入我們。


Dear Friends,

We'd like to invite you to an exclusive "one-time" FREE event at the private studio of internationally acclaimed piano technician, Mr. David Andersen. David is our premier piano technician here in Southern California and we rely on him to service and maintain all of our elite pianos. 

This special event will be in the Atelier, his showroom/piano workshop, at 3587 Ocean View Avenue Los Angeles, 90066. This is a celebration of, and a personal introduction to, the Mason & Hamlin piano brand, which has a long and rich musical history. These exquisite pianos are one of the last piano brands being manufactured in the U.S., in Haverhill, MA. We're excited to say David was asked recently to visit their production facility to assist with improvement and refinement of these already fantastic pianos. 

We would like to personally invite you, your friends, and your family to David's studio to see, play, and witness just how amazing these pianos truly are. There will be ONE of each model that Mason & Hamlin produces, including their prestigious model "50" upright. 
The event is for TWO Days Only, Saturday - September 29th and Sunday - September 30th, from 11am to 5pm both days. 

We will have special performances by some of David's dear musician friends such as Brian Pezzone, Chris Guardino, Geoff Stradling and many more players as they show up. Complimentary appetizers and refreshments will be served.  
These marvelous pianos are not to be missed, AND, even more incredible, Mason & Hamlin will be offering the models on display in the Atelier, for sale at a fraction of their regular price. If you've been thinking about acquiring a piano or upgrading the one you have, you don't want to miss this event. 
To RSVP, please call Leigh Moore @800-697-4266 EXT 7004. We hope you can join us on either day.

Your friends at Hollywood Piano 


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