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最近哈佛審核上歧視亞裔學生的官司新聞鬧得沸沸揚揚, 各方意見紛紛, 官司最後會怎麼判決, 對亞裔學生的藤校路會如何影響, 我們都很期待結果. 但是我認為近期這篇哈佛校刊的相關文章是值得參考的, 例如文中這位在審核員訓練課程中被當作負面例子的Megan (假名)差點就被哈佛拒於門外. Megan雖然是位各方面非常優秀的申請人, 卻因爲學校的師長疑似幫倒忙的推薦信, 加上略顯驕傲的自傳內容讓部分審核員們對她印象不佳, 於是她的案件在審核過程中陷入了錄取跟不錄取的膠著辯論。
一路驚險的最後這位Mega敗部復活的被順利錄取, 也許是福星高照, 但她的申請結果當然也極有可能會是完全慘敗的。
除此之外, 文中也傳遞了一些重要的訊息:
Harvard admissions officers are looking for academic superstars who have overcome adversity in their personal lives and can offer a clear vision of what they would accomplish in Cambridge.
In almost every case that ended in a Harvard “yes,” one more factor came into decisive play — the applicant’s charisma.
在幾乎所有被哈佛大學錄取的案例中,都有一個決定性的因素 – 申請人的個人魅力。
The document lists “pause factors” for each candidate. These more problematic traits — including less impressive grades, uninspiring extracurriculars, and excessive braggadocio
Admissions officers also took note of activities outside the classroom. Reviewers mentioned that at least three candidates failed to find an “extracurricular niche” in high school.