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Happy Woman's Day!

03/08/2019     美芝秀鐳射美容纖體中心─岑國權醫學博士

To celebrate Women's Day, we are offering a special promotion:
With every 800 lines Ultherapy purchase ($2,000), you will receive the following FREE gifts $488 value:

美芝秀現推出三八女神節特大優惠: 风靡全球的Ultherapy超声刀. 现在$2,000可拥有800条线 .再送三重大礼. 總值$488

one travel set ($200 value) 一套豪华旅行套装价值$200
one vitamin C injection ($100 value) 美白针价值$100
one box of Tomato Crystalline Supplement ($188 value) 美白丸一盒价值$188

Tony K. Shum, M.D./ 626.285.0800 /DSC Laser & Skin Care Center
889 S. San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel, CA91776
