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第13屆Kore Pro-Am將於本年4月7日及4月8日在「大莊家」Journey高爾夫球場舉辦

04/09/2019     大莊家賭場度假酒店

「大莊家賭場度假村」將於2019年4月7日及4月8日在「大莊家」Journey高爾夫球場舉辦一年一度的「第13屆高爾夫球職業及業餘選手混合邀請賽」(Kore Pro-Am)。 「大莊家」能夠為這項錦標賽盛事連續舉辦第七年深感榮幸。「大莊家」Journey高球場是「大莊家賭場度假村」內具世界錦標賽級的高爾夫球場,在一眾亞洲高爾夫球手中已是享譽盛名。本年度將有30多位球技精湛的美國女子職業高爾夫協會(LPGA)成員獲邀參與Pro-Am此項備受矚目的錦標賽。

Kore Pro-Am 大賽繼續以社區活動的方式, 連續第三年邀請特曼庫拉(Temecula) 當地的Great Oak高中女子高爾夫球隊前來參賽,為學生們提供難得的大賽經驗及與職業球手交流學習的機會。排名前列的Great Oak高中女子高爾夫球隊, 雖然最近已經贏得了分區冠軍,仍然參與義工並與職業女子高爾夫球手交流互動,進一步提升他們的比賽經驗。今年,Great Oak高中女子高爾夫球隊將提供逾30位義工協助籌辦大賽的各項事宜,而 Kore Pro-Am 繼續向該校球隊捐款約$3,000以回饋她們的支持。

2019年度Kore Pro-Am賽事雲集了眾多LPGA的知名球星,其中包括; 尹安琪, Annie Park, Mi Hyang Lee, Megan Khang, 劉钰 及何沐妮等深受球迷喜愛的精英球手 。尹安琪(Angel Yin) 目前名列女子高爾夫世界排名(勞力士排名)第38位,她在6歲開始打高爾夫球,在2017年女子歐洲巡迴賽賽季終點站的歐米茄迪拜女子經典賽中, 獲得了她的首個職業冠軍頭銜。Annie Park,世界排名第54位,8歲開始打高爾夫球。2018年,她在宏碁 (Acer) 贊助的ShopRite LPGA Classic中獲得巡迴賽冠軍。Mi Hyang Lee,世界排名第55位,來自韓國,3歲開始打高爾夫球。2018年,Lee有三次進入賽事前10名,在Indy女子技術錦標賽中獲得T7最佳的成績。Megan Khang 世界排名第59位, 從5歲起即開始練習高爾夫球運動,她於2016年上演職業生涯首秀並在藍灣名人賽(Blue Bay LPGA)中取得目前職業生涯最好的T3成績。劉鈺 (Yu Liu),世界排名第72位,9歲開始打高爾夫球。她是中國第三位贏得Symetra巡迴賽冠軍的球員,以獲得239隻小鳥位列榜首。何沐妮(Muni He),世界排名第382位,是一顆冉冉上升的高爾夫球新星。 她是參加2015年美國女子公開賽的四位業餘選手之一,並於2017年在迪拜女子大師賽上首次亮相。 2018年何沐妮錄得兩項前十名成績,包括在Prasco慈善錦標賽中獲勝。

除了以上所述的球星以外,更有其他LPGA備受歡迎的超級球星:Chella Choi, Akako Uehara, Emma Talley, Sarah Jane Smith, Hee Young Park, Tiffany Joh, Kim Kaufman, Robynn Ree, Brianna Do, Cheyenne Woods (Tiger Woods 的侄女) , Kelly Shon, Lauren Kim, Alison Lee, Erynne Lee, Vicky Hurst, Sydnee Michaels, Lilia Vu, Harang Lee, Kelly Tan, Rebecca Lee-Bentham, Lisa Cornwell, Juillian Hollis, Hanule Sky Seo, Gabriella Then, 及Andrea Wong 。這個由30多位專業高爾夫球手組成的精英團隊,將與他們的球迷隊友在球場上相互切磋挑戰。

大會將於錦標大賽前一晚在大莊家會展中心 (Pechanga Summit) 舉行配檔晚會,贊助者將獲通知與其配檔的LPGA專業高球手。晚會將提供豐盛的自助餐美食,並設有免費酒吧暢飲及現場娛樂節目助慶,為所有參賽者營造輕鬆的氣氛,以便了解他們LPGA專業高球手的配檔,為翌日的賽事作好準備。
大賽將於星期一上午11時正式開始,賽前將進行早餐及新聞發佈會。球手們將以18洞多人團隊形式參與此錦標賽,獲得最低分的團隊將奪得令人夢寐以求的 Kore Pro-Am 獎盃。在這場錦標賽中,球座贊助者們將可近距離與這些高爾夫精英會面,除此之外,他們更將與這些才華洋溢的球員們共同揮舞高球杆。在錦標賽後隨即舉行的頒獎典禮及晚宴,他們將可與各界名人明星、企業高層、以及專業高爾夫球手們相互聯繫交流。

「大莊家」Journey世界錦標賽級高爾夫球場是「大莊家賭場度假村」内其中一項高級休閒設施,並且在加州公共高爾夫球場中始終維持最高評價。 高爾夫球運動球手的最佳配搭就是毗鄰球場的豪華度假村酒店,讓您提升揮捍樂趣。
 在酒店住宿的客人若未有預約任何高爾夫球賽局,亦能夠免費使用高爾夫球場所提供的星級設施。球場的會所内擁有寬大的男女更衣室、高爾夫球用品專賣店。Journey’s End 餐廳也提供早、午餐以及晚間小點與雞尾酒。
「大莊家」Journey高爾夫球場座立於景色優美的南加州葡萄酒鄉特曼庫拉 Pechanga 印第安保留區的山丘間,毗鄰「大莊家賭場度假村」,蜿蜒於巨礫散佈的壯麗山脈之間。擁有72個標準杆和18個球洞的「大莊家」Journey 高爾夫球場佔地 7,219 碼。這個富於挑戰性及趣味性的球場呈現多元地勢—峽谷、溝睿、開放性的球道、以及175呎深的球座。

距離球場一小段路即是全加州最大規模的度假村及博彩娛樂場,並備有旅客們期望的高級博彩娛樂場酒店所有豪華設施。度假村自2002年起, 一直榮獲美國汽車協會(AAA)評級為四鑽級酒店, 最近,斥資三億元的擴建工程新翼經已落成並提供1,090間豪華酒店客房及套房,獲福布斯旅遊指南認可推薦的酒店;一座全新擁有25,000平方呎複式獨立兩層高的豪華水療護理中心, 剛被福布斯旅遊指南評為四星級的酒店;佔地4.5英畝的綜合性游泳池,世界頂級娛樂節目,總面積達200,000平方呎的會議及活動場地,以及13家星級餐廳。此外,「大莊家」的博彩娛樂廳規模更超越拉斯維加斯任何一間博彩娛樂場,博彩娛樂廳設有逾4,600部最先進熱門的角子機遊戲及視頻撲克,154枱賭桌娛樂,一間高注碼貴賓廳,一間時尚及寬敞的撲克室並設有場外投注設施,以及一間豪華舒適的賓果遊戲中心。
如欲了解更多詳細資料或預訂「大莊家賭場度假村」的各項服務 ,請登錄「大莊家」網站 Pechanga.com 或致電(877)711-2946。「大莊家賭場度假村」位在加州特曼庫拉,距離15號州際公路僅兩分鐘車程,距離洛杉磯、聖地亞哥、和安大略國際機場僅一個半小時。位於每年平均276天晴天的特曼庫拉,「大莊家」Journey高爾夫球場全年皆是高爾夫球運動愛好者之最理想度假勝地。

「大莊家賭場度假村」為美國其中之一間最大規模及提供最尊貴的賭場度假體驗。榮獲USA Today 讀者票選為全美最佳賭場第一名。並自2002年起一直被AAA評為四鑽級酒店,無論是日間玩樂還是豪華住宿,「大莊家賭場度假村」總會帶給您無與倫比的悠閒度假環境,擁有超過4,600多部角子老虎機,賭桌娛樂,頂級娛樂節目,福布斯旅遊指南推介的1,090間豪華酒店套房及客房,星級餐飲食府,享受獲福布斯評為四星級的水療護理讓您煥發身心,以及世界錦標賽級的Journey高爾夫球場。「大莊家賭場度假村」致力滿足客人及社區的需求,並與時俱進超越期許。魯瑟諾印第安人中的Pechanga族人擁有並經營「大莊家賭場度假村」。更多詳情,請致電免費專線(877) 711-2946,或瀏覽Pechanga.com。點擊喜歡大莊家賭場度假村Facebook網頁(Facebook.com/Pechanga) ,以及Twitter@PechangaCasino。必須年滿21歲或以上方可參與博彩活動。

Journey at Pechanga Hosts the 13th Kore Pro-Am on April 7 & 8 

Pechanga Resort Casino hosts the 13th Annual Kore Pro-am Golf Tournament at Journey at Pechanga on April 7 and 8, 2019. This marks the 7th year for Pechanga to host the tournament as the proud official sponsor. Journey at Pechanga is Pechanga Resort Casino’s premiere championship golf course, already well known among many Asian golfers. This year, more than 30 talented LPGA golfers were invited to participate in this highly anticipated tournament with the Pro-Am’s tee sponsors. 
Kore Pro-Am continues to serve as a community event by inviting Temecula’s Great Oak High School Girls Golf team for the third year, providing the students an opportunity to meet and greet with pro players and experience the tournament. The top-rated girl’s high school team has already recently won their divisions, though volunteering for and interacting with professional female golfers works to elevate their game again. This year the Great Oak High School Girls Golf team will provide over 30 volunteers to help with the event and Kore Pro-AM will again donate $3,000 to GOHS team for their support.
Kore 2019 Pro-Am features many outstanding LPGA professional golfers including Angel Yin, Annie Park, Mi Hyang Lee, Megan Khang, Yu Liu and Muni He. Angel Yin, Rolex Ranking #38, started playing golf at age 6 and claimed her maiden professional title at the Ladies European Tour’s season-ending Omega Dubai Ladies Classic in 2017. Annie Park, Rolex Ranking #54, started playing golf at age 8. In 2018, she had Tour victory at the ShopRite LPGA Classic presented by Acer. Mi Hyang Lee, Rolex Ranking #55, is from South Korea and started playing golf at age 3. Lee had three top-10 finishes in 2018, with a season, best finish of T7 at the Indy Women in Tech Championship driven by Group 1001. Megan Khang, Rolex Ranking #59, started playing golf at age 5 and recorded a career-best T3 at the Blue Bay LPGA. Yu Liu, Rolex Ranking #72, started playing golf at age 9.  She was the third player from China to ever win on the Symetra Tour and led the tour in birdies with 239. Muni He, Rolex Ranking #382, is a rising star. She was one of the four amateurs who played in the 2015 U.S. Women’s Open and made her professional debut at the Dubai Ladies Masters in 2017. Muni He recorded two top-10 results including a win at the Prasco Charity Championship in 2018. 

The following popular LPGA superstars will also be joining the game: Chella Choi, Akako Uehara, Emma Talley, Sarah Jane Smith, Hee Young Park, Tiffany Joh, Kim Kaufman, Robynn Ree, Brianna Do, Cheyenne Woods (Tiger Woods’ niece), Kelly Shon, Lauren Kim, Alison Lee, Erynne Lee, Vicky Hurst, Sydnee Michaels, Lilia Vu, Harang Lee, Kelly Tan, Rebecca Lee-Bentham, Lisa Cornwell, Juillian Hollis, Hanule Sky Seo, Gabriella Then, Andrea Wong. This elite group of more than 30 pro golfers will challenge each other on the stimulating and demanding course, along with their fans and golf partners. 

The night before the tournament, sponsors will find out which LPGA Pro golfers they will be playing with, at the Pairing Party in the resort’s Summit Ballroom. The pairing party features gourmet buffet style foods, premium open bar and live entertainment, creating a relaxing atmosphere for all players to get to know their LPGA partners and strategize for the next day’s tournament.

The tournament begins at 11am on Monday following the breakfast and press conference. Players will be competing in an 18-hole scramble tournament and the team with the lowest score will win the coveted Kore Pro-Am Cup. Through the tournament, tee sponsors will not only be able to get up close and personal with these golf elites, but also swing their clubs alongside these talented athletes. Participants will also be provided with a great networking opportunity with celebrities, corporate leaders and pro golfers at the Awards Ceremony and Dinner that will immediately follow the tournament.  

About Journey at Pechanga
Journey at Pechanga championship golf course, one of the many high-end amenities at Pechanga Resort Casino, is consistently rated among the top public courses in California. When golfers partner their rounds with a luxury stay at the adjacent resort, the value of the experience rises. 

Hotel guests receive complimentary access to the course’s award-winning practice facility, even if they do not have a tee time. The course’s clubhouse is home to spacious men’s and women’s locker rooms, an extensive pro shop and the Journey’s End restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and evening appetizers and cocktails. 
Nestled in the foothills of the scenic Southern California wine country in Temecula Valley on the Pechanga Indian Reservation, adjacent to Pechanga Resort Casino, Journey at Pechanga winds along a boulder-strewn mountain. Journey at Pechanga’s par-72, 18-hole golf course winds across 7,219 yards. A challenging and rewarding course, it presents a range of topography – canyons, ravines, open fairways and even a tee shot with a 175-foot drop.

Just across a small walkway sits the state’s largest resort/casino with all the luxuries a traveler would expect from a high-end casino property. Rated an AAA Four Diamond property since 2002, the resort recently underwent a major makeover with $300M investment and now offers a total of 1,090 hotel rooms and suites recognized as a recommended property by Forbes Travel Guide; an all-new 25,000 sq-ft full-service spa and beauty salon that was just rated a Four-Star establishment by Forbes Travel Guide; a 4.5-acre pool complex; world class entertainment; meeting and event space that encompasses 200,000 sq-ft; and 13 restaurants.  Pechanga also offers its guests a casino floor larger than any in Las Vegas, one that features more than 4,600 state-of-the-art slots and video poker, 154 table games, a High Limit Salon, a spacious and stylish Poker Room with an Off-Track Betting facility and a Bingo Parlor of unparalleled comfort.

For more information or to make reservations at Pechanga Resort Casino, please visit Pechanga.com or call (877) 711-2946. Pechanga Resort Casino is located in Temecula, Calif. just two minutes off Interstate 15, less than one hour from San Diego and Ontario International airports, and less than one and one-half hours from Los Angeles and Orange County. With an average of 276 sunny days per year, Temecula and Journey at Pechanga offer an ideal golfer’s retreat year-round. 

About Pechanga Resort Casino
Pechanga Resort Casino offers one of the largest and most expansive resort/casino experiences anywhere in the United States. Named the Number One casino in America by readers of USA TODAY and rated a Four Diamond property by AAA since 2002, Pechanga Resort Casino provides an unparalleled getaway. Offering more than 4,600 of the hottest slots, table games, world-class entertainment, 1,090 Forbes Travel Guide Recommended hotel rooms and suites, dining, Forbes Four Star spa and championship golf at Journey at Pechanga, Pechanga Resort Casino features a destination that meets and exceeds the needs of its guests and the community. Pechanga Resort Casino is owned and operated by the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians. For more information, call toll free (877) 711-2946 or visit Pechanga.com. Follow Pechanga Resort Casino on Facebook and on Twitter @PechangaCasino. Pechanga Resort & Casino is open 24-hours. Guests must be 21 and older to enter the casino.
