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全民健保網提醒您 : 2020年健康保險10月15日開始申請!

10/15/2019     全民保險


  • 如果申請日是:2019年10月15日至12月15,生效日是:2020 1月1日;
  • 如果申請日是:2019 12月16至2020年1月15,生效日是:2020 2月1日。

2020年的健保計劃有許多新的改變,如:加州政府擴大了保費的補助範圍,即使收入提高了,您也有可能獲得補助喔!但新年度的保費也漲得很多 ; 同時也恢復不買健保會罰款的規定

另外,老人紅藍卡保險,也只有二個月的時間(10/15/201-12/7/2019)可以轉換保險計劃或更換保險公司喔!如果錯過了,您又得等一年! 不論是健保或紅藍卡輔助醫療計劃的任何問題,都歡迎您打電話給全民健保網專家免費諮詢喔!

P.S.   全民健保網舉辦的兩場健保講座,10月18日爾灣上午場已經滿額(10/18加開下午場 2:00 – 4:00),還有10月19日羅蘭崗場仍然有10個名額,請您儘快報名,才能為您保留席位。報名電話 :949-999-8989 或 626-363-2228。

Open Enrollment Period will start from 10/15/2019 to 1/15/2020. ONLY during this period you can enroll, change plans or change insurance companies. If you miss this this period, unless you are qualified with certain special events, there will be no way to enroll.

  • If the application is submitted from 10/15/2019 to 12/15/2019, with approval, the insurance will be effective from 1/1/2020;
  • If the application is submitted from 12/16/2019 to 1/15/2020, with approval, the insurance will be effective from 2/1/2020;

The state of California extends the premium assistance allegedly to 600% federal poverty level. A family with 4 household members who's household income up to $154,500 may qualify for the premium assistance. Please contact us for more details.

For Californians, if you do not have health insurance plans, when you file 2020 tax return, you will receive PENALTY !!

Medicare Part C (advantage) and Part D annual open enrollment will start from 10/15 to 12/7 for you to change plans or insurance companies.

P.S. Anyhealth Insurance Services will hold two seminars to explain the changes to 2020's health insurance. 10/18 (2-4 PM) in Irvine; 10/19 (2-4 PM) in Rowland Heights; RSVP is needed. Please contact 949-999-8989 or 626-363-2228


關於 全民保險