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11/11/2019     楊清泉律師事務所

Client is 50 and married. He owes $60K of credit cards. He pays $2K a month as minimum credit card payments to keep the $60K current. His wife is not jointly liable on these cards. She owes about only $2K of credit cards by herself. They own a house that is currently worth $500K with a mortgage of $300K. So their equity in the house is at least $200K. Since client is not yet 65, his exemption for the house is $100K. This means that there is $100K of nonexempt equity. Under the liquidation analysis when compared to Chapter 7, client will have to pay the entire $60K of credit cards in Chapter 13 over 5 years in 60 equal payments, no interest. All payments made pursuant to the Chapter 13 plan pay down the principal balance because there is no interest applicable.

The Chapter 13 plan payment is about $1K a month for 60 months that pays of the entire $60K of credit cards in 5 years. If client makes all the 60 payments pursuant to the confirmed plan, the court will enter a discharge order at the end of the 60th payment. The discharge order will state that client owes zero or nothing on the credit cards at the end of the 5th year. Can creditors still sue client for unpaid interest, absolutely not!  Legally, client owes nothing anymore on these cards.

Further, while client is on the plan, creditors cannot sue, call or otherwise contact client to collect on the cards. Client has peace of mind. He doesn’t have to worry about being sued. They cannot garnish his wages or levy his bank accounts. The bankruptcy court protects client’s residence from any creditor liens attaching to it. So in Chapter 13, the bankruptcy automatic stay protects client including all his assets and house. This is the court order from the bankruptcy court ordering creditors to cease and desist from any and all collection efforts against the client and his assets. Pretty cool.

Client pays his plan payments to the Chapter 13 trustee, an officer of the court whose responsibility it is to make sure that all plan payments are distributed to the creditors who have filed their proofs of claim. The trustee guarantees that all payments are distributed to the right creditors. In other words, the trustee cannot run away with your money. This is another reason why client will have peace of mind in Chapter 13. He pays the trustee who is under the supervision of the bankruptcy court.

What other alternatives were available to client before he decided to seek Chapter 13 relief for his $60K of credit cards?

One option he had was getting a $60K loan with very high interest to pay off all of his credit cards. There were many offers from lenders for these alternatives. Payday lenders have branched out into this type of high interest medium term loans to avoid regulation. The offers are $60K at 50% to 100% interest. Does it make sense to get this kind of high interest loan? No it doesn’t. Client might end up losing his house if he got this loan. He will live a life of pain. He would have to repay a principal loan of $60K with $90K to $120K in 3 to 5 years. Compare it with zero or no interest in Chapter 13. 

Another option that he had was consolidation. He actually was on consolidation paying $1800 a month for 60 months for 6 months to a “consolidator”. A “consolidator” is not an officer of the court. He is a businessman and consolidation is his business. What if he decides to close his business? Well, that’s the risk you take. One problem that arose was that 2 creditors did not agree to tow the line and proceeded to sue him for $30K. Compare this to Chapter 13 where the court protects client from all lawsuits and collection efforts. All collection efforts including lawsuits stop the minute client’s Chapter 13 is filed.

He also had the so-called “settlement” option. He can negotiate directly with the creditors, or use a third party to “settle” the debt at less than what is owed. Client actually did get several offers from various creditors to knock off a portion of the debt owed with a lump sum payment. For example, creditor A will agree to accept 70% of what is owed of $10,000 as a settlement. So for $7000 payment, creditor will consider the matter closed. Good luck raising the $7000. Maybe you can do UBER at night and not sleep at all. After 3 months you might have $7000. Problem is they want the $7000 up front, not in 3 months. And, the other creditors do not agree to settle, they prefer to sue you right now to get their money. 

It’s really not surprising that client chose Chapter 13 relief for protection of his house from levies, from lawsuits, from wage garnishment, from bank levies and just putting a stop to all those harassing phone calls for collection. Peace of mind, no interest & total legal protection from the bankruptcy court. Trustee guarantees that your payments are distributed to the right parties.

Of course, if client were 65, he would only need to pay $400 a month for 60 months. At the end of the plan, $35K is discharged or wiped out. He doesn’t have to pay the entire $60K, just needs to pay only $25K of the $60K cards because under the liquidation analysis, only $25K is not exempt.

If you need debt relief, set an appointment to see me. I will analyze your case personally.


Lawrence B. Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University with a Master’s Degree in Law and specializes in Bankruptcy, Business, Real Estate and Civil Litigation.  He speaks English, Mandarin and Fujian and has successfully represented thousands of clients in California, including companies overseas.  Please call Angie, Barbara or Jess at (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 20274 Carrey Road, Walnut, CA 91789 or1000 S. Fremont Ave., Mailstop 58, Building A-10 South Suite 10042, Alhambra, CA 91803.


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