很開心跟大家宣佈︐我們於六月重新營業。即日起已開始接受限制名額的預約︐ 歡迎來電詢問詳請︐若我們無法即時接到您的電話︐請直接留言我們您的問題和想做的治療項目︐當我 們收到後會依照順序盡快回覆您︐再次謝謝大家的支持和愛護。 洛杉磯縣公共衛生局基於科學和公共衛生專業知識︐採取分階段開業條件︐故本中心目前僅開放醫療部 門︐其他服務(如︓皮膚保養、按摩及瘦身項目)尚未開放︐若有進一步消息︐會即刻通知所有顧客。
1. 本中心目前採電話網路預約制︐掌握中心內顧客流動率。 2. 所有進入本中心的員工與顧客們︐必須戴上口罩︐並保持彼此間六英尺的距離。
3. 當您進入中心後︐本中心員工會請您使用 70%以上酒精性消毒液、紙巾消毒手部與鞋底︐另有 提供鞋套的服務︐並為您測量體溫。
4. 本中心大廳和房間內︐將暫時提供報章雜誌閱讀及免費產品的試用。
5. 為了掌握中心內的人數限制︐請您獨自前往進行諮詢或治療︐若是需要陪同者一同前往︐基於規 定︐陪同者需要留在車內等待。
6. 當您購物任何產品時︐本中心會將把產品與收據一併放入袋中傳遞給顧客︐以避免員工與您之間 過多的肢體接觸。 7. 在中心內︐所有員工們皆會佩戴口罩、面罩與手套︐執行治療的醫護人員們也配有防護衣︐每項 治療結束後︐會丟棄單次使用物並對所經過處和接觸的物品(例如桌子、門把手、信用卡讀卡 器)進行消毒︐以提供給顧客們安全的環境。
8. 每天結束後︐也將全面消毒所有工作區域、洗手間和經常接觸的區域/物。
9. 若顧客們在預約後感到不適︐無法前往接受諮詢與治療︐歡迎您來電告知
We are back and we missed you!
Dear Valued Customers,
We are glad to let you know that we are opening our clinic in June in compliance with the reopening guidelines of Los Angeles County.
Services such as facials, massages, and body treatments will not yet resume until state and local guidelines deem it safe to do so.
As a medical clinic, we have one objective in mind: making sure that our clients and staff are always safe. This objective has been at the center of creating policies and procedures that will ensure the safety and well-being of every person that walks through our front door.
We will be implementing the following safety and hygiene measures:
• Appointments will be required for all clients. We will not be accepting walk-in clients for the time being.
• Clients who have symptoms of coughing, fever, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, or other signs of illness should contact DSC as soon as possible in order to reschedule appointments.
• All staff, clients, and accompanying members will be required to wear a face mask. • All staff and clients will be required to have their temperature checked upon entering the office.
• Upon entrance, hand sanitizer in the lobby and front desk area should be used to clean hands.
• The public waiting area will have all seats and high contact surfaces such as magazines and reading material removed; we respectfully ask that until it is your designated appointment time, all clients and accompanying members wait in their cars. Clients will be contacted when entry is permissible.
• We respectfully ask that clients come alone whenever possible; however, if accompanied, all accompanying members will be required to wait in their cars. For clients who arrive together, appointments will be sequential; we are unable to accommodate simultaneous appointments.
• Social distancing will be implemented by limiting the number of clients in the clinic at any given time and having reduced hours of operation. • All skincare product testers will be made unavailable until further notice.
• Sanitizing wipes and sprays among other strict cleaning protocols will be utilized in order to keep the clinic clean.
• Staff will routinely sanitize common areas, treatment rooms, and frequently touched surfaces including, but not limited to: doorknobs, credit card machines, pens, iPads, computers, counters, treatment beds, laser equipment, etc. before and after every client.
We are happy to discuss any of your individual concerns, please feel free to contact with us.
Best regards,
DSC Laser & Skin Care Center.