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【教育】ACI's Fall 2020 Course Schedule | 南加州學院

08/25/2020     ACI南加州學院

Hello ACI Parents, We hope everyone was able to have a fun and safe summer during this pandemic. As we are preparing for the Fall semester, we have attached our schedule for the Fall/Spring semester. We look forward to helping you enroll your child in our classes to enhance their learning or any questions you may have. Interested in enrolling for our classes? Please give Rowland ACI a call at (626) 913-1242.

親愛的家長,您們好 誠心希望每個人在疫情期間,度過愉快且安全的夏天假期。 新學期是新的開始,附上秋季/春季的課程表。 期待幫助您的孩子,可以充分準備學校課程及增強學習能力,以利於應付萬變的升學壓力.歡迎 來電咨詢及報名參加我們優質的課程, 請致電(626)913-1242 Rowland Campus 感謝您的支持!


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