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【教育】獨家! 加州大學寒假線上申請加分項目 | HS2 ACADEMY 全方位教育機構

11/16/2020     全方位教育機構


UCR/HS2 Winter Intensive Training 

for University Application Program


A. Leadership for New Generation

Date: Dec.21 - 23 & Dec. 28 – 30, 1.5 hours per day from 15:00 to 16:30


Instructor: Prof. Edward Hart

Professor, Sports Management and Finance, University California Riverside

Over 30 years of teaching experience in leadership and management. Worked as teacher and director in USC Marshall School of Business, UC San Francisco and CSU Fullerton. Also worked as corporate executive and consultant throughout Corporations in North America, South America, and Australia.


Program Detail:

Understand the role of power and politics in influencing others, while exploring communication styles and decision-making tactics. Dig into the topic of organizational behavior to fully grasp what drives stress, motivation and other key dynamics in the workplace. How to improve teamwork skill and case study. Learn skills of generate a persuasive proposal and business plan, as well as to improve the ability of communicate in writing. Participating students will receive a certificate of completion from UC Riverside


B. A Taste of College Life

Date: Dec.21 - 23 & Dec. 28 – 30, 1.5 hours per day from 17:00 to 18:30



1. Prof. Junqiao Wu, UC Berkeley

Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UC Berkeley

Candidate of Fellow of National Academy of Engineering

2. Lisa Miller M.A., UC Riverside

Director of Corporate and International Professional Programs & Education Programs

3. Alex Yang, London Business School

Associate Professor, Management Science and Operations, London Business School

4. Prof. Jingchen Liu, Columbia University

Professor, Statistics Department of Columbia University

5. Prof. Sean Jasso, UC Riverside

Professor, Business School, UC Riverside

6. Robert McKee, UC Riverside

Bioengineering, School of Engineering, UC Riverside


Program Detail:

This course will help student to understand university’ study and life through basic lecture and in-person (webinar) by communicating and practicing with prestigious professors from various top university. Students can discover the future professional direction as well as to improve the motivation of learning. This program can directly affirm the students' ambition of university application. Participating students will receive a certificate of completion from UC Riverside.

UCR/HS2 寒假密集大學申請加分項目 

訓練時間:2020年12月21日至23日及12月28日至30日, 每天1.5小時 

項目一       新世代領導培訓                        上課時間:下午3:00-4:30







加州大學河濱分校 UCR 教授 Edward Hart , 30 年以上教授領導力經驗,曾任教於包括USC南加大商學院與USF舊金山大學商學院等名校及美國500大企業擔任主管訓練師。

項目二        名校早體驗                                上課時間:下午5:00-6:30


透過各領域知名教授的基礎課程讓學生發現未來大學專業方向,藉以提高學習動力 。

此項目在申請表上能展現學習熱情,讓審核員能直接肯定學生上進的企圖心 。



加州大學河濱分校 UCR 主任教授 Prof. Lisa Miller ,

加州大學河濱分校 UCR 商學院教授  Prof.  Sean Jasso

加州大學河濱分校 UCR 工學院教授  Prof.  Robert McKee

加州大學柏克萊分校 UCB 工學院教授  Prof.  Junqiao Wu

哥倫比亞大學 Columbus University 數據分析教授 Prof.  Jingchen Liu

倫敦商學院 London Business School 財政金融教授 Prof.  Alex Yang 

HS2 Academy, 加州8 家分校, 我們的學生來自全球各地, 面對面或線上輔導. HS2 提供一站式美國大學申請, 私立高中及研究所申請規劃所有的相關準備. HS2 輔導項目包含高準確性的潛能測試, 客制化個人申請策略規劃, 申請準備期的全程督導, 美國東西岸名校深度之旅, 初高中課業, 標準化測試補習課程, 網路課程, 手機SAT練習APP及一對一強效補習。建立於2002年,HS2 擁有業界最高名校錄取榜單及獎助學金總額。HS2 Academy 是加州大學聖塔芭芭拉UCSB 與聖地牙哥分校UCSD 的官方海外授權招生代表機構.


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