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【教育】一個不太聽話的學生進了第一志願的大學 | HS2 ACADEMY 全方位教育機構

01/05/2021     全方位教育機構

D. L. 2021 - Emory University 艾默里大學提早錄取 , 全美排名第21 名大學

目前我的朋友們都還沒有完成大學的申請,但我已經被我的夢想學校錄取了。回過頭來看,HS2 Academy 絕對應該在我的成功中獲得很大的功勞。HS2真的幫助了我, 從優秀的導師們到完善我的申請資料的過程,沒有他們的幫助, 我不會有這麼好的結果。

HS2主要幫助了我三個方面:補習、升學規劃及申請論文優化。HS2減輕了我在學校理解不了學業內容的壓力,因為我知道有HS2 持續支持著我。從八年級開始,我每天都參加下課後的HS2家庭作業班,在那裡幫助我的每個老師都是真正的專業人士,在他們的學科上都是精英。我的個人升學顧問Lee 讓我整個高中生活都保持在正確的軌道上,申請論文優化團隊也很出色。我的申請論文是一個關鍵因素,因為我不是以最好的成績被錄取的,如果沒有HS2的幫助,這些論文肯定不會達到這麼高的水平。

在HS2給我的所有幫助中,我最感謝我的升學顧問 Lee。我從來都不是最好的學生.  在高中時,我多次拒絕聽從他的指示,因為我過去一直把運動看得比學術重要。然而,Lee 總是以最好的方式支持我。從AP課程到選擇大學,無論我遇到什麼樣的學術問題,他都能給出答案,並為我提供所需的資源。我也看到他在午夜之後修改和定稿我的申請論文,我真的很感謝他為我所做的一切努力。




D. L. 2021 - Emory University Early Acceptance, #21 National University

As my friends are still finishing up their college applications, I have already committed to my dream school. Looking back at it, Hs2 definitely deserves a significant amount of credit for my success. Hs2 truly helped me through the process from providing great tutors to perfecting my application essays, and my outcome wouldn’t be this good without their assistance.

Hs2 mainly helped me in 3 aspects: Tutoring, counseling, and essay editing. Hs2 lightens the stress I get for not understanding certain materials in school as I know hs2 has my back. I have been attending the homework club on a daily basis since 8th grade, and everyone who has assisted me there were truly professionals and are elite in their subjects. My counselor, Edwen Lee, kept me on the right track throughout high school, and the essay editing team was outstanding. My application essays were a key factor as I was accepted without having the best grades, and these essays definitely would not have reached such a high level without Hs2’s help.  

Out of all the assistance I have received from Hs2, I appreciate my counselor, Edwen Lee, the most. I was never the best student; I refused to follow his instructions plenty of times in highschool as I used to put sports over academics. However, Edwen always supported me in the best way. No matter what kind of academic questions I had from AP classes to choosing colleges, he always had an answer and provided me the resources needed. I have also seen him editing and finalizing my application essays past midnight, and I truly appreciate all the effort he has put in for me.

Hs2 has the ability to set up a path that leads the students to their dream school, and it is all up to the students to take it. They will set up a detailed plan such as taking how many APs, attending what summer programs, doing what kind of volunteer work, and provide the students all the resources needed. Therefore, as long as the student has a great work ethic and is willing to challenge themselves to get into top schools, I definitely suggest joining Hs2 to get that extra push.

At last, I would like to thank everyone at Hs2 that assisted me through the years. I wouldn't have received this amazing opportunity attending Emory University without their support along the way, and I definitely would sign up for Hs2 again if I go back in time.  

2021 年的申請少數大學開始放榜

HS2 的學生得到了亮眼的錄取成績與獎學金 !

Stanford University 史丹福大學 2 位

Harvard University 哈佛大學 1 位

Columbia University 哥倫比亞大學 3 位

California Institute of Technology 加州理工學院 2 位

Wharton School of U of Penn 賓州大學沃頓商學院 1 位

U of Penn 賓州大學 1 位

U of Chicago 芝加哥大學 1 位

Johns Hopkins University 約翰霍普金斯大學 2 位

Emory University, Oxford College 艾默里大學 牛津學院 2 位

New York University 紐約大學 6 位

Boston University, 波士頓大學 1 位

Georgia Tech 喬治亞理工 2 位

Indiana University, Bloomington 印第安纳大學布魯明頓 1 位

University of Wisconsin–Madison 威斯康辛大學麥迪生分校 2 位

Williams College 威廉斯學院 1 位

Wellesley College 衛爾斯理學院 1 位

Pitzer College 匹茲學院 1 位

Carlton College 卡頓學院 1 位

恭喜 HS2 學生跟家長, 我們會有更多好消息即將公布!


HS2 Academy, 加州8 家分校, 我們的學生來自全球各地, 面對面或線上輔導. HS2 提供一站式美國大學申請, 私立高中及研究所申請規劃所有的相關準備. HS2 輔導項目包含高準確性的潛能測試, 客制化個人申請策略規劃, 申請準備期的全程督導, 美國東西岸名校深度之旅, 初高中課業, 標準化測試補習課程, 網路課程, 手機SAT練習APP及一對一強效補習。建立於2002年,HS2 擁有業界最高名校錄取榜單及獎助學金總額。HS2 Academy 是加州大學聖塔芭芭拉UCSB 與聖地牙哥分校UCSD 的官方海外授權招生代表機構.


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