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03/15/2021     加州安老師才藝教育學苑

我們邀請所有學生、家長和教師觀看 2021  1  23 日舉行的 2021  UAAA 世界杯算術和心算術錦標賽頒獎典禮。我們歡迎貴賓與參賽者分享鼓勵的話,並精選了來自大冠軍的採訪和令人印象深刻的心理數學演示。與來自世界各地的我們一起慶祝所有競爭對手當之無愧的成功!


We invite all students, parents, and teachers to watch the 2021 UAAA Global Cup Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Championship Award Ceremony held on Jan. 23rd, 2021. We welcomed VIP guests to share words of encouragement with the competitors and featured interviews and impressive mental math demonstrations from the Grand Champions. Join us from around the world to celebrate the well-deserved success of all competitors!


關於 加州安老師才藝教育學苑