A.B.F. will hold an Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony from July 29th to August 1st, 2021. Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony is one of the biggest ceremonies in Buddhism. Its aim is to propagate the virtues of filial piety and gratitude, merits will be transferred for the well-being and prosperity of all followers for world peace, harmony and happiness. Emperor Liang Repentance is considered as the supreme Repentance among all Buddhist repentance texts. It benefits both the living and the deceased.
➣ 法會發起人:美金3000(全家入疏,消災、超薦牌位各限10個)
➣ 總功德主:美金2000(消災、超薦牌位各限5個)
➣ 功德主:美金1000(消災、超薦牌位各限3個)
➣ 消災壇主、超薦壇主:美元500(消災、超薦牌位各限2個)
➣ 超薦、消災大牌位各美金50,點燈各美金30,另設有隨喜牌位
➣ 隨喜項目:佛前供花果、供齋結緣、供僧、放生等
Here is a list of donation categories for the repentance Dharma function:
a. Grand Ceremony Patron
b. Platform Patron
c. Sponsoring Patron
d. Tablets
e. Food Offering and Other Donations
All donations are tax-deductable. Receipts will be issued upon clearance of your payment and request.
Please wear your robes to attend the ceremony.
梁皇懺 十卷功德力
親證菩薩法雲地 懺文舉處罪華飛
解了冤 懺了罪
消災增福慧 脫苦生忉利
龍華三會願相逢 彌勒佛前親受記