Dear DSC Friends,
Save the date for our upcoming Saturday August 14th, 3PM Webinar! Erika Adato will be sharing about DiamondGlow and Norwin Mascarenhas will be sharing about Botox and Allergan’s Juvederm family of injectables.
The first 50 registered attendees get a free gift for attending and all registered attendees are eligible to win 1 of our lucky draw prizes!
Join us via Zoom or Youtube Live on our youtube channel DSC Wellness!
RSVP today to reserve your gift and save the date for August 14th, 3PM!
DSC Laser & Skin Care Center
我們美芝秀將在8月14號, 星期六下午3:00PM
舉辦夏日美芝缐上講座,有真空鑽石水療護膚,抗衰老分享及岑國權醫生主講鐳射美容護膚方法, 還有禮物大抽獎,禮品豐富,不要錯過。
如有任何问题,請聯絡(626) 285-0800 美芝熱線,期待當天線上與你們相見。