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12/07/2021     李紅律師事務所─專精地產‧商業‧移民‧車禍等


        为了应对新冠病毒大流行,加州议会通过了一系列关于房东和房客的新法规。其中的Civil Code 1946.2 要求房东有正当理由驱赶房客。At Fault 正当理由被定义为诸如房客未能支付租金、严重违反租约或在住房里面从事犯罪活动或者对房屋故意损坏等。另外一种则是无过错正常理由,房客没有违约,是房东因为卖房子、拟定计划使用该物业、从住房市场退出或者政府命令搬迁租户。新法规要求业主在以无过错正当理由驱逐房客时向租户支付相当于一个月租金的搬迁援助,或作为终止租赁通知的一部分免除最后一个月的租金。


        通常人们忽略了Civil Code 1946.2主要针对公司业主。假如房东是个人,而且出租的单一住宅、双拼、三拼,那么房东就不会受到Civil Code 1946.2,房东现在就可以开始驱赶房客的程序。 

Image        现在我们给聪明的房东一个建议,请马上审阅一下自己的租约。如果租赁协议中有条款说,责任方需要支付律师费,那么这个金额的上限为500 美金,或者双方各自承担自己的费用。随着“施莱弗警官法案”的通过,租户现在有权免费获得法律代理,各种法律援助机构也出现了很多,目前房客普遍要求陪审团审判。目的无非采取拖延战术,但是房东不要让自己的权益打了水漂,你可以开启驱赶程序。



In response to the pandemic, the State Legislature passed a series of new laws dealing with landlord tenant rights.  The most onerous of these new laws is Civil Code 1946.2 which requires landlords to have just cause to terminate a tenancy.  At Fault Just cause is defined as such things like failure to pay rent, a material breach of the lease or criminal activity. The other category is referred to as No Fault Just Cause permits the removal of a tenant when the owner plans to occupy the property, withdraws the unit from the housing market or is complying with a Governmental order.The new statute also requires the owner of the property when evicting for a No Fault Just Cause to pay relocation assistance to their tenant equal to one month’s rent or to waive the final month’s rent as part of the Notice of Termination of Tenancy.

Quite often overlooked is a provision within Civil Code 1946.2 which demonstrates the statute is directed towards corporate landlords.  Civil Code 1946.2 does not apply to residential property that has only one unit (Duplexes and Triplexes are not covered) and the owner is not a corporation, real estate trust or limited liability company.  In other words, if an individual rents out a home, most if not all of the new rules do not apply to the tenancy

Finally, a word to the wise, check your rental agreements.  If there is a provision that calls for the award of attorney’s fees to the prevailing party, make sure that it is capped at $500.00, or that each side is to bear their own costs.  Following the passage of the “Sergeant Schriver Act” tenants are now entitled to legal representation at no cost to them and the various legal aid societies that have cropped up are vast and numerous and all of them are now demanding jury trials as part of the response to an eviction.  





關於 李紅律師事務所─專精地產‧商業‧移民‧車禍等