但,华人朋友在税务方面仍然有一些固有思维可以做修改,众所皆知,在美华人勤劳又聪明,尤其在Silicon Valley一带很多都是华人菁英。英文精通在自己专业上皆为翘楚,但是在财务与税务规划方面,还是有一些迷思。
今天不想贷款的原因就是怕将来有负担,或将来有不好的情形。可是在美国,如果投资房地产不贷款真的是浪费了,如果贷款的话,首先可以杠杆,你100万去买100万,房租还要付税,将来100万翻一倍变200万,你等于是拿100万去赚100万。可是,同样的钱,你拿100万去买个300万的Property,所有的贷款利息可以抵税,所有的Property tax也可以抵税,因为300万抵得多,折旧也多,房租常常有可能根本不用交税。卖的时候还可以用1031来交换,更重要的是,你拿100万去买300万,如果翻一倍就变600万,你等于是拿100万去赚300万,这样看,不仅平时税上的规划变好了,翻倍的杠杆也变多了。
除了新闻影响外,周五是所谓的四巫日 - 也就是个股选择权、股指期货、个股期货以及指数选择权到期的日子,通常在四巫日市场波动较为剧烈。
在个股方面,在家工作/生活类的股票表现较佳,Zoom Video上涨9.5%,Peloton上涨6.6%,Moderna则上涨4.5%。
IMPORTANT: Advertised rates were valid and effective as of the date reflected above, are for informational purposes only, and are subject to change without notice.
Loans are subject to credit and collateral approval. Advertised rates are based on a set of loan assumptions including a borrower with excellent credit history and optimal loan characteristics. Your final interest rate and annual percentage rate (APR) may differ depending on your individual transaction's specific characteristics, and certain products may not be available for your situation. Several determining factors include, but are not limited to, the state of the property location, loan amount, documentation type, loan type, occupancy type, property type, loan to value, and credit score.
APR reflects the cost of credit over the term of the loan expressed as an annual rate. For mortgage loans, APR may include the interest rate, discount points (also referred to as "points"), and other charges or fees (such as mortgage insurance and origination fees), but does not necessarily take into account other loan-specific finance charges you may be required to pay.
Investment securities products and services are offered through Globalink Securities, Inc. (GSI) and TransGlobal Advisory, LLC. (TGA). GSI is member of FINRA & SIPC, which is a separate registered broker-dealers and non-bank affiliates of TransGlobal Holding Company. Portfolio management and advisory services are provided by TGA, a registered investment advisor and subsidiary of TransGlobal Holding Company.
Investment and brokerage products are:
Not FDIC Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value