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08/24/2022     董金寶律師事務所


无论您是犯罪的受害者,还是因涉嫌违法被警方逮捕,您都拥有必须受到保护的权利。 Tung & Associates 是一家提供全方位服务的律师事务所,其律师能够为涉及刑法、人身伤害、移民等案件提供卓越的代理服务。立即联系我们进行咨询,了解更多关于如何积极争取保护您的权利的信息。

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When Criminal And Immigration Laws Clash – You Need Outstanding Legal Representation
If you are not a U.S. citizen, a crime can be an unsettling experience whether as a victim or the person accused of committing it. As a suspect, the full weight of the criminal justice system moves quickly to make an arrest, get a conviction and impose punishment.
Victims of criminal activity also benefit from hiring a lawyer who can help them recover compensation for the injuries and property damage they sustained. Sometimes, particularly when victims use a gun to defend against a threat, the strict gun laws in the U.S. can result in criminal charges being filed against them.

Learn more about protecting your rights
Whether you are the victim of a crime or were arrested by the police on suspicion of breaking the law, you have rights that must be protected. Tung & Associates is a full-service law firm with attorneys capable of providing superior representation for cases involving criminal law, personal injury, immigration and more. Contact us today for a consultation to learn more about how we aggressively fight to protect your rights.

The information provided in this article is for general information purposes only. It is not offered as legal advice and should not be construed or relied upon as such by a reader. Nothing contained in it is intended as legal advice or presented for the purpose of establishing an attorney-client relationship.


關於 董金寶律師事務所