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08/24/2022     董金寶律師事務所

通常情况下,对您最有利的选择是,在与他们交谈之前告诉他们您想与您的律师交谈。例如您可以致电 Tung & Associates 让一位经验丰富的刑事辩护律师代表您工作。警察和检察官都是训练有素的专业人士,因此您同样需要一位具有专业法律知识以及丰富辩护经验的刑事辩护律师为您争取您的权利。 我们的律师可以帮助您:

  • 争取减少或取消保释以保持自由和免于入狱。
  • 调查对您的指控,并收集证据来帮助撤销或减少对您的指控。
  • 在审判中制定并提出积极的辩护策略,如有必要,在量刑阶段为您获得最佳结果。
  • 拒绝入籍申请或永久居留申请。
  • 驱逐出境。
  • 在等待移民听证会期间被拘留。

在 Tung & Associates,我们的律师能够从各个方面为您全面考虑,尤其是在为您提供有关刑事辩护和认罪建议时也为您提出可能引起的移民问题的建议。我们专注于整体情况,以避免您在离开刑事法庭后又面临严重的移民问题。

事实是,成为犯罪受害者不会影响您的移民身份,也不会影响您良好的道德品质。 Tung & Associates 的移民律师会利用他们在移民法和诉讼程序方面的知识和经验,为犯罪受害者提供建议和咨询。针对移民,我们的律师还会帮助他们申请由美国移民局提供的受害者援助计划。该计划旨在保护正在遭受家庭暴力的移民受害者:对于积极配合执法机关和其相关部门的移民受害者进行援助。

无论您是犯罪的受害者,还是因涉嫌违法被警方逮捕,您都拥有必须受到保护的权利。 Tung & Associates 是一家提供全方位服务的律师事务所,其律师能够为涉及刑法、人身伤害、移民等案件提供卓越的代理服务。立即联系我们进行咨询,了解更多关于如何积极争取保护您的权利的信息。

您对网站任何信息的使用,构成您对本使用条款与法律声明的接受。本网站提供的信息仅供一般参考,不代表本公司的法律意见。本公司有权作任何改动。 本网站所包含的任何内容均不作为法律建议或出于建立律师-客户关系的目的而提供。虽然本公司已尽最大努力保证本网站信息的准确性和可靠性,但错误和疏漏仍可能难免。特请读者注意。

What happens when police suspect you of committing a crime?
If police think that you committed a crime, they may approach you at home, work or on the street to talk to you about what happened. Understand that when police “talk to you” they are gathering information and evidence to support making an arrest. You have rights, and one of them is the right to politely refuse to talk or give information to the police.
Instead, tell them you want to speak with your attorney before talking to them, and call Tung & Associates to have an experienced criminal defense attorney working on your behalf. Police and prosecutors are highly trained professionals, so you need a criminal defense attorney with the skills, training and knowledge of the law to aggressively fight for you, including:
  • Fighting to reduce or eliminate bail to keep free and out of jail.
  • Investigating the allegations and gathering evidence supporting a dismissal or reduction in the charges.
  • Developing and presenting an aggressive defense strategy at the trial and, if necessary, at the sentencing stage to obtain the best outcome for you.
The pressure put on you by police, prosecutors and judges to plead guilty to a less serious offense may force a decision that does not consider the consequences it could have on your immigration status, including:
  • Denial of an application for citizenship or permanent residence.
  • Deportation.
  • Detention while awaiting an immigration hearing.
Pleading guilty to a lesser offense may be a good decision that avoids harsher penalties, but it may adversely affect your immigration status.
A criminal defense lawyer may not know enough about immigration law to realize how pleading guilty to a less serious offense, such as a minor drug possession or driving while impaired, reflects on your “good moral character” and could affect your application for naturalization or citizenship.
At Tung & Associates, our lawyers are equally capable of advising you about criminal charges and immigration issues that may arise from a conviction. We focus on the whole picture to avoid a situation where you leave criminal court with a serious immigration issue hanging over your head.

Crime victims paralyzed by fear of the police and courts
The average person may not understand why a crime victim would be afraid of cooperating with police and prosecutors to apprehend and convict the person who harmed them. Someone who has overstayed their visa or has an application pending for naturalization or to become a citizen of this country may believe that reporting the crime will result in deportation or other adverse action.
The truth is that being a victim of a crime does not affect your immigration status or reflect poorly on your good moral character. The immigration attorneys at Tung & Associates use their knowledge and experience with immigration laws and procedures to advise and counsel crime victims, including helping them take advantage of programs offered by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services designed to protect crime victims who cooperate with law enforcement and another program offering assistance to immigrants who are victims of domestic violence.

Learn more about protecting your rights
Whether you are the victim of a crime or were arrested by the police on suspicion of breaking the law, you have rights that must be protected. Tung & Associates is a full-service law firm with attorneys capable of providing superior representation for cases involving criminal law, personal injury, immigration and more. Contact us today for a consultation to learn more about how we aggressively fight to protect your rights.

The information provided in this article is for general information purposes only. It is not offered as legal advice and should not be construed or relied upon as such by a reader. Nothing contained in it is intended as legal advice or presented for the purpose of establishing an attorney-client relationship. 


關於 董金寶律師事務所