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10/26/2022     董金寶律師事務所

无论您在商业世界中拥有多少经验,开始一个新的企业所需要花费的时间和精力都可能让人头疼。在专注于筹集资金、与承包商合作建立一个实体或在线的业务,以及准备为顾客打开线上或线下业务大门所需的其他所有事情的途中, 您的公司随时都可能会产生法律问题,甚至可能会导致企业在开始之前就面临失败。


为了避免代价高昂的法律问题,帮助您更好地了解公司运营初期可能出现的法律问题,我们列出五个常见的法律错误以及如何避免这些错误的方法来帮助您入门。阅读完本文后,可致电与 Tung & Associates, APCL 进行咨询,商业律师将为您定制法律策略来解决或规避新企业面临的法律问题。




  • 独资企业 Sole proprietorship)最容易创建和运营,独资企业不分所有者和企业。在独资企业中,从法律上来说,您既是企业的所有者,也是这个企业本身。当您提交个人税申请表时,您需要为企业的营业收入缴税,并且您也拥有完全承担企业债务和其他义务的责任。

  • 合伙企业(Partnership):当两个或两个以上的人联合起来为了盈利而经营企业时,他们不能作为一个独资企业来运营。合伙结构允许他们通过增加合伙人来筹集额外的资金。这种结构不能避免所有者免受企业债务和其他义务的个人责任风险。

  • 股份公司(Corporate):与独资企业和合伙企业中合伙人和企业无法分割不同,股份公司的成立会创建一个独立于其所有者的独立法律实体。因此您可以通过出售股票来筹集资金,同时公司也可以保护其股东和股东的资产免于偿还公司的债务和其他义务。

  • 有限责任公司(Limited liability company):有限责任公司和股份公司有许多相同特征,包括保护所有者免于承担个人义务,但它的成立和管理方式和股份公司不同。









认为出现问题时才需要打电话给律师的创业者不计其数,但其实最好做法是让律师在问题损害您的业务前就向您展示如何避免问题。合同的准备和审查、业务的适当组建、许可,以及委托给Tung & Associates的商业律师的其他任务,都可以让您专注于启动和经营您的业务而无需担心法律问题。请现在就联系我们获取咨询。


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5 Common Legal Mistakes To Avoid When Starting A Business

The time and effort you need to get a business started can be overwhelming. It’s a challenge regardless of how much experience you have in the business world. So much is on the line that you don’t want to make a costly mistake.

As you work to raise capital, find and hire contractors to set up a brick-and-mortar or an online business presence, and get ready to open those real or online doors to customers, it’s easy to overlook legal issues that could cause a business to fail before it even gets started.

It’s not that difficult to anticipate and avoid common legal mistakes when starting a business. First, you need to identify them, and then you need to come up with a way to avoid them.

We’re helping you to get started by listing the five common legal mistakes and suggesting ways to avoid them. When you finish reading through this article, the next step should be a consultation with Tung & Associates, APCL, where a business attorney will come up a customized plan that addresses the legal issues faced by new businesses.

Common Mistake 1: Choosing the wrong business structure  

Every business needs a structure in order to operate. The structure of a business, which you may hear referred to as “business entity,” determines how a business pays its taxes, raises capital and the risk that owners face for debts and legal obligations of the business. Choosing the wrong business structure could result in missing tax-saving opportunities aside from putting your personal assets at risk of being seized to pay claims owed to business creditors.

Each state has its own laws authorizing different types of business structures, but the four most frequently authorized and used types include:

  • Sole proprietorship: The easiest of all business structures to create and operate, a sole proprietorship does not distinguish between the owner and the business. In a sole proprietorship you are the business as far as the law is concerned. You report business income when on your personal income tax return and must answer for debts and legal obligations of the business.

  • Partnership: When two or more people join together to operate a business for profit, they cannot operate as a sole proprietorship. A partnership structure allows them to raise additional capital by adding partners. It does not protect the owners from the risk of personal liability for financial and legal obligations of the business.

  • Corporate: Unlike sole proprietorships and partnerships that do not exist separate and apart from their owners, setting up a corporation creates a separate legal entity that exists independently from its shareholders, who are its owners. As a result, you have the ability to raise capital by selling shares and the corporation shields its shareholders and their assets from answering for the debts and obligations of the corporation.

  • Limited liability company: An LLC shares many of the same characteristics of corporations, including protecting owners from personal liability, but it is set up and managed differently than the corporate structure.

A business law attorney will help you choose and set up the business structure that best suits your type of business.

Common Mistake 2: Doing business without proper licenses

State and local governments require that most types of businesses obtain licenses and permits depending on the products or services offered for sale. However, complying with state and local requirements may not be enough to put your business in compliance with the law and avoid fines and other forms of regulatory action.

If your business plans to engage in activities or handle products regulated by the federal government, you may need a license or permit from a federal agency. For example, producing, importing or exporting wine and other beverages containing alcohol may require permits from the federal government. The same is true with firearms and ammunition, certain species of wild animals and other types of business activities particularly those involving foreign trade.

Common Mistake 3: Failing to take steps to protect intellectual property

Intellectual property can be a valuable asset that needs protection. The name, logo, website design, domain name, and commercial secrets of your business can be taken away and lost by not taking steps to protect them. Your business attorney can show you how trademarks, patents, copyrights and other protective measures can prevent valuable assets from being stolen from you.

Common Mistake 4: Not using written contracts 

Verbal agreements can be legally binding and enforceable in court, but it is difficult, and frequently impossible, to prove what two parties agreed upon unless it is in writing. A written contract actually avoids conflicts and disagreements because each party to it can see what was agreed upon without resorting to what may be a faulty recollection of a conversation. 

Common Mistake 5: Failing to consult with an attorney from the beginning

Too many entrepreneurs think of an attorney as someone to call when problems arise, but it is much better to let an attorney show you how to avoid problems before they harm your business. Preparation and review of contracts, proper formation and licensing of the business and other tasks entrusted to a business attorney at Tung & Associates, APLC, lets you focus on starting and running your business without worrying about legal issues. Contact us today for consultation.


This article and its contents are provided for general information purposes only. It is not offered as legal advice and should not be relied upon as such by a reader. Nothing contained in it is intended as legal advice or presented for purposes of establishing an attorney-client relationship. 


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