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【健康】Watch "How was a business expanding 16 cities in one year among China community of US?" on YouTube | 愛輕鬆智能養生機器人床

12/15/2022     愛輕鬆護脊理療機器人

US Branding iRelaxBot, a kind of new massage & therapy robotic technology, invited its members to celebrate the coming new year and the Christmas holiday! 愛輕鬆機器人公司的家人們歡聚一堂,共同慶祝愛輕鬆品牌在美國市場的一周年慶,同時慶祝聖誕節和陽曆新年哦!@tvbshealth20 @irelax4636 @massagerobotics738 @GENIALBrightSideSpanish @@RespiratoryTherapyZone 爱轻松iRelaxBot Website Http://www.iRelaxBot.com


關於 愛輕鬆護脊理療機器人