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【教育】祝賀我們優秀的選手在MM Go World Championship 世界錦標賽中大放異彩! | 加州安老師才藝教育學苑

02/23/2023     加州安老師才藝教育學苑

祝賀我們的學生Avery Lim在2022年MM Go World Championship 世界錦標賽上獲得A組(6歲及以下)第三名。 在透過MM Go應用程式積累分整整一年後,幼兒園一年級競爭對手Avery Lim為獲得決賽資格而激烈鬥爭,與世界各地她這個年齡組最快、最快的心算參與者競爭。 Avery Lim的成就得到了國際認可,獲得了正式的證書、獎章、獎品和100美元的獎學金! 讓我們都給Avery Lim 一個大大的鼓掌。 你完成了這麼多! 我們很高興與大家分享這一重要光榮的時刻。

Congratulations to our student, Avery Lim, on winning 3rd place in Group A (age 6 and younger) in the 2022 MM Go World Championship.  After a full year of accumulating scores through the MM Go app, Avery, a Kindergarten 1st year competitor, fought furiously to qualify for the Finals to compete against the quickest and fastest abacus mental math practitioners of her age group around the world.  Avery’s achievement was internationally recognized with a formal certificate, medals, prizes, and a $100 US award in Scholarship!  Let’s all give Avery a big virtual hands-up.  You’ve accomplished so much!  We are thrilled to share this important moment with the community.


關於 加州安老師才藝教育學苑