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中英文兩場演講 同步進行: 解密美國大學申請的奧秘 |ACI南加州學院

03/29/2023     ACI南加州學院

美國大學最難申請季 ---解密申請的奧秘 

中英文兩場演講 同步進行

1) 2023年大學申請的難點在哪裡?
2) 美國大學招生官喜歡學生的共通點 
3) 美國名校招生,內部錄取流程揭密 
4) 亞裔學生申請大學是優勢還是劣勢?
5) ACI錄取MIT的學生是如何規劃成功的? 
6) 名校偏愛的課外活動與競賽,你的孩子 參加了嗎? 
7) AI Chat GPT 改變升學與職場架構, 未來學校選系重點 

Mr. Kuo 郭校長 
ACI南加州學院創始人 ACI College Prep Founder 
美西華人最權威升學教育專家. AM1300、天下衛視、華人工商等 電視電台權威教育嘉賓

 Ms. Cathy 侯主任 
ACI南加州學院 西區主任 ACI College Prep West Campus Regional Director 
30+ 年從事教育行業, 擅長四年高中規劃, 協助成千上萬學生進入夢校

 Mr. Perreault 
ACI南加州學院 資深顧問 ACI College Prep Lead Counselor 
26+Yrs Experience SAT Professional Instructor & Curriculum Developer 

Mr. Hayashi
ACI南加州學院 資深顧問 ACI College Prep Lead Counselor
18+Yrs Experience
USC Admission Advisor

Date:4/15 /2023  
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 
Location: ACI Temple City Campus
5951 Temple City Blvd., Temple City, CA 91780
(626) 286-5903

Date:4/15 /2023  
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 
Location: ACI Rowland Heights Campus
18957 Colima Rd., Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(626) 913-1242

1. What is the current route to a successful college applications and admissions? 
2. What do college admissions committees and directors look for in students? 
3. What special challenges do Asian-American students face today in college admission? 
4. What types of extracurricular and volunteer experiences work for college admissions?
5 In light of AI, AR, and VR, what role does today's technology play in today's college environment? 
6. What study methods work best to gain the highest GPA?  


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