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【健康】到底什么是过敏?过敏的治疗方案是什么?| 南加州知名家庭科钟国权医生

05/05/2023     鍾國權醫學博士


Allergies occur when your immune system mistakenly triggers an allergic reaction to an allergen. Allergic reaction symptoms include congestion, watery eyes, a runny nose, vomiting and, in severe cases, anaphylaxis. Allergies can be incredibly frustrating if you don't know what's triggering your immune system.Dec 21, 2022 

當您的免疫系統錯誤地觸發對過敏原的過敏反應時,就會發生 過敏。過敏反應症狀包括充血、流淚、流鼻涕、嘔吐,嚴重時還會 出現過敏反應。如果您不知道是什麼觸發了您的免疫系統,過敏 可能會令人難以置信地沮喪。 

Rhinovirus is the most common cause, accounting for 10 to 40 percent of colds. Other common cold viruses include coronavirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). A cold may last for about one week, but some colds last longer, especially in children, the elderly and those in poor health.More than 200 viruses can cause a cold, but rhinoviruses are the most common type. Viruses that cause colds can spread from person to person through the air and close personal contact. 

鼻病毒是最常見的原因,佔感冒的 10% 40%。 其他普通感冒病毒包 括冠狀病毒和呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV) 。一次感冒可能會持續一周左右, 但有些感冒會持續更長時間,尤其是兒童、老人和身體不好的人。200 多種病毒可引起感冒,但鼻病毒是最常見的一種。引起感冒的病毒 可以通過空氣和密切的個人接觸在人與人之間傳播。

There are four types of influenza viruses: A, B, C, and D. Influenza A and B viruses cause seasonal epidemics of disease in people (known as flu season) almost every winter in the United States. Influenza A viruses are the only influenza viruses known to cause flu pandemics (i.e., global epidemics of flu disease).


過敏是世界上最常見的慢性病之一。過敏症狀的範圍從讓你痛苦到讓你面臨危及生命 的反應風險。根據領先的過敏症專家的說法,過敏反應始於免疫系統。我們的免疫系統 保護我們免受可能導致疾病的入侵生物體的侵害。如果您過敏,您的免疫系統會將原 本無害的物質誤認為是入侵者。這種物質稱為過敏原。免疫系統通過產生免疫球蛋白 E (IgE) 抗體對過敏原反應過度。這些抗體進入釋放組胺和其他化學物質的細胞,引起過 敏反應。

Allergy Symptoms 

An allergic reaction typically triggers symptoms in the nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, lining  of the stomach or on the skin. For some people, allergies can also trigger symptoms of  asthma. In the most serious cases, a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis  (an-a-fi-LAK-sis) can occur. 

A number of different allergens are responsible for allergic reactions. The most common  include: Pollen // Dust // Food // Insect Stings // Animal dander // Mold //  Medications/Drugs // Latex // Hay Fever // Eye, Ocular // Skin // Anaphylaxis.


過敏反應通常會在鼻子、肺部、喉嚨、鼻竇、耳朵、胃壁或皮膚上引發症狀。對於某些 人來說,過敏也會引發哮喘症狀。在最嚴重的情況下,可能會發生稱為過敏反應 (an-a-fi-LAK-sis) 的危及生命的反應。 

許多不同的過敏原會導致過敏反應。最常見的包括: 花粉 // 灰塵 // 食物 // 昆蟲叮咬 // 動物皮屑 // 黴菌 // 藥物/藥物 // 乳膠 //花粉熱 // 眼睛、眼部 // 皮膚 // 過敏反應。

Allergy Diagnosis If you or your child have allergy symptoms, an allergist / immunologist, often referred to as an allergist, can help with a diagnosis. An allergist  has advanced training and experience to properly diagnose your condition and  prescribe an allergy treatment and management plan to help you feel better and live  better. 

過敏診斷 如果您或您的孩子有過敏症狀, 過敏症專家/免疫學家(通常稱為過敏症專家) 可以幫助進行診斷。過敏症專科醫生擁有先進的培訓和經驗,可以正確診斷您的病情並製 定過敏治療和管理計劃,幫助您感覺更好,生活得更好。

1) Anaphylaxis (an-a-fi-LAK-sis) is a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction. The most  common anaphylactic reactions are to foods, insect stings, medications and latex

If you are allergic to a substance, your immune system overreacts to this allergen by  releasing chemicals that cause allergy symptoms. Typically, these bothersome symptoms  occur in one location of the body. However, some people are susceptible to a much more  serious anaphylactic reaction. This reaction typically affects more than one part of the  body at the same time. 

Anaphylaxis requires immediate medical treatment, including a prompt injection of  epinephrine and a trip to a hospital emergency room. If it isn’t treated properly,  anaphylaxis can be fatal.

1)過敏反應 (an-a-fi-LAK-sis) 是一種嚴重的、危及生命的過敏反應。最常見的過敏 反應是對食物昆蟲叮咬藥物乳膠。 

如果您對某種物質過敏,您的免疫系統會釋放導致過敏症狀的化學物質,從而對這 種過敏原反應過度。通常,這些令人煩惱的症狀發生在身體的一個部位。然而,有 些人容易發生更嚴重的過敏反應。這種反應通常會同時影響身體的多個部位。 

過敏反應需要立即就醫,包括及時注射腎上腺素和前往醫院急診室。如果治療不當 ,過敏反應可能是致命的。

2)Adverse reactions to medications are common, yet everyone responds differently. One person  may develop a rash or other reactions when taking a certain medication, while another person on the  same drug may have no adverse reaction at all. Only about 5% to 10% of these reactions are due to  an allergy to the medication. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system overreacts to a  harmless substance, in this case a medication, which triggers an allergic reaction. Sensitivities to  drugs may produce similar symptoms, but do not involve the immune system. Certain medications are  more likely to produce allergic reactions than others. The most common are: 

• Antibiotics, such as penicillin 

• Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen • Anticonvulsants 

• Monoclonal antibody therapy 

• Chemotherapy

2)藥物不良反應很常見,但每個人的反應不同。一個人服用某種藥物可 能會出現皮疹或其他反應,而另一個人服用同一種藥物可能根本沒有 任何不良反應。這些反應中只有大約 5% 到 10% 是由於對藥物過敏。 當免疫系統對一種無害物質反應過度時,就會發生過敏反應, 在這種情 況下是一種藥物,會引發過敏反應。對藥物的敏感性可能會產生類似的 症狀,但不涉及免疫系統。某些藥物比其他藥物更容易產生過敏反應。 最常見的是: 

• 抗生素,如青黴素 

• 阿司匹林和非甾體抗炎藥,如布洛芬 

• 抗驚厥藥 

• 單克隆抗體療法 

• 化療

3) Also called allergic conjunctivitis or ocular allergy, eye allergy occurs when something you are  allergic to irritates the conjunctiva. This is the delicate membrane covering the eye and the inside of  the eyelid. Like all allergies, allergic conjunctivitis starts when the immune system identifies an  otherwise harmless substance as an allergen. This causes your immune system to overreact and  produce antibodies called Immunoglobulin (IgE). These antibodies travel to cells that release  chemicals which cause an allergic reaction. In this case, allergic reactions include eyes that water,  itch, hurt or become red or swollen. The most common causes of allergic conjunctivitis are seasonal  allergens such as pollen and mold spores. People with seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) normally  notice their symptoms worsen when they go outdoors on days with high pollen counts. Indoor  allergens such as dust mites and pet dander can also cause eye allergies year-round. If you suffer  from this type of allergy, you may notice your symptoms worsen during certain activities such as  cleaning your house or grooming a pet.

3) 稱為過敏性結膜炎或眼部過敏,當您對過敏的東西刺激結膜時, 就會發生眼睛過敏。這是覆蓋眼睛和眼瞼內部的脆弱膜。與所有過 敏症一樣,過敏性結膜炎是在免疫系統將一種原本無害的物質識別 為過敏原時開始的。這會導致您的免疫系統反應過度並產生稱為免疫 球蛋白 (IgE)的抗體。這些抗體傳播到釋放化學物質的細胞,從而引 起過敏反應。在這種情況下,過敏反應包括眼睛流水、發癢、受傷或 變紅或腫脹。過敏性結膜炎最常見的原因是季節性過敏原,例如花 粉和黴菌孢子。患有季節性過敏性鼻炎(花粉症)的人通常會注意到 ,當他們在花粉數量高的日子外出時,他們的症狀會惡化。室內過敏 原,如塵蟎和寵物皮屑, 也可能全年引起眼睛過敏。如果您患有這 種類型的過敏症,您可能會注意到在某些活動中您的症狀會惡化, 例如打掃房間或給寵物梳理毛髮。

4) If you have a food allergy, your immune system overreacts to a particular protein found in that food.  Symptoms can occur when coming in contact with just a tiny amount of the food. Many food allergies are first  diagnosed in young children, though they may also appear in older children and adults.  Nine foods are responsible for the majority of allergic reactions

• Cow’s milk 

• Eggs 

• Fish 

• Peanuts 

• Sesame 

• Shellfish 

• Soy 

• Tree nuts 

• Wheat

4) 如果您對食物過敏,您的免疫系統會對食物中的特定蛋白質反應過度。僅 接觸少量食物就會出現症狀。許多食物過敏最初是在年幼的兒童中被診斷出來 的,儘管它們也可能出現在年齡較大的兒童和成人中。九種食物是造成大多數 過敏反應的原因: 

• 牛奶 

• 蛋 

• 魚 

• 花生 

• 芝麻 

• 貝類 


• 木本堅果 

• 小麥

5) Allergic Rhinitis 

If you have allergic rhinitis, your immune system mistakenly identifies a typically harmless substance as  an intruder. This substance is called an allergen. The immune system responds to the allergen by  releasing histamine and chemical mediators that typically cause symptoms in the nose, throat, eyes, ears,  skin and roof of the mouth. Seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is most often caused by pollen carried in  the air during different times of the year in different parts of the country. Allergic rhinitis can also be  triggered by common indoor allergens such as the dried skin flakes, urine and saliva found on pet dandermold, droppings from dust mites and cockroach particles. This is called perennial allergic rhinitis, as  symptoms typically occur year-round. In addition to allergen triggers, symptoms may also occur from  irritants such as smoke and strong odors, or to changes in the temperature and humidity of the air. This  happens because allergic rhinitis causes inflammation in the nasal lining, which increases sensitivity to  inhalants. Many people with allergic rhinitis are prone to allergic conjunctivitis (eye allergy). In addition,  allergic rhinitis can make symptoms of asthma worse for people who suffer from both conditions.


5) 過敏性鼻炎 

如果您患有過敏性鼻炎,您的免疫系統會錯誤地將一種通常無害 的物質識別為入侵者。這種物質稱為過敏。免疫系統通過釋放組 胺和化學介質對過敏原做出反應,這些介質通常會在鼻子、喉嚨、 眼睛、耳朵、皮膚和上顎引起症狀。季節性過敏性鼻炎(花粉熱)最 常由該國不同地區一年中不同時間空氣中攜帶的花粉引起。 過敏性鼻 炎也可能由常見的室內過敏原引發,例如寵物皮屑、黴菌塵蟎的糞便和蟑螂顆 粒上發現的干皮屑、尿液和唾液。這稱為常年性過敏性鼻炎,因為 症狀通常全年都會出現。除了過敏原觸發因素,症狀也可能來自 刺激物,如煙霧和強烈氣味,或空氣溫度和濕度的變化。發生這種 情況是因為過敏性鼻炎會導致鼻腔內壁發炎,從而增加對吸入劑 的敏感性。許多患有過敏性鼻炎的人容易患過敏性結膜炎(眼睛 過敏)。此外,過敏性鼻炎會使患有這兩種疾病的人的哮喘症狀惡 化。

6) Latex is a milky sap produced by rubber trees. The sap is blended with chemicals during  manufacturing to give latex its elastic quality. Natural rubber latex is often found in rubber  gloves, condoms, balloons, rubber bands, erasers and toys. If you are allergic to latex your  body treats latex as an allergen and sets off an allergic reaction. Latex allergies are most  common in people who have regular exposure to latex products such as rubber gloves. That is  why this allergy is most common among healthcare workers and people who have undergone  multiple surgeries. Approximately 50% of people with latex allergy have a history of another  type of allergy. Certain fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, chestnuts, kiwi, avocado and  tomato can cause allergic symptoms in some latex-sensitive individuals. Allergic reactions to  latex range from mild to very severe. Every year, there are hundreds of cases of anaphylaxis, a  life-threatening allergic reaction, due to latex allergy. The severity of allergic reactions to latex  can worsen with reeated exosure to the substance.

6) 乳膠是橡膠樹產生的乳狀汁液。樹液在製造過程中與化學物 質混合,使乳膠具有彈性。天然膠乳常見於橡膠手套、避孕套、氣 球、橡皮筋、橡皮和玩具中。如果您對乳膠過敏,您的身體會將乳 膠視為過敏原並引發過敏反應。乳膠過敏最常見於經常接觸橡膠 手套等乳膠產品的人群。這就是為什麼這種過敏在醫護人員和接 受過多次手術的人中最常見的原因。大約 50% 的乳膠過敏者有 另一種過敏史。某些水果和蔬菜,如香蕉、栗子、奇異果、鱷梨和 番茄,可能會導致一些對乳膠敏感的人出現過敏症狀。對乳膠的 過敏反應從輕微到非常嚴重。每年由於乳膠過敏,有數百例過 敏反應,這是一種危及生命的過敏反應。 反復接觸該物質會加重 對乳膠過敏反應的嚴重程度。

7) Molds are tiny fungi whose spores float through the air. They like damp environments  

and need four things to grow: food, air, appropriate temperature and water. Molds can be found  outdoors, in homes and in other buildings. Everyone breathes in mold spores in the air, but  some people have an allergic reaction or asthma symptoms if exposed to too much of this  fungus. If you are allergic to mold, your immune system is overly-sensitive to specific mold  spores and treats them as an allergen. When you inhale the mold spores, your immune system triggers symptoms such as sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, nasal congestion or itchy  nose, mouth and lips. There are hundreds of types of molds, but not all of them are responsible  for causing allergy symptoms. The most common allergy-causing molds include Alternaria,  Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Penicillium.

7) 黴菌是微小的真菌,其孢子漂浮在空氣中。它們喜歡潮濕 的環境,生長需要四樣東西:食物、空氣、適宜的溫度和水。黴 菌可以在室外、家中和其他建築物中找到。每個人都會吸入空 氣中的黴菌孢子,但如果接觸過多這種真菌,有些人會出現過敏 反應哮喘症狀。 如果您對黴菌過敏,您的免疫系統就會對特 定的黴菌孢子過度敏感,並將它們視為過敏。當您吸入黴菌 孢子時,您的免疫系統會引發打噴嚏、發癢、流淚、流鼻涕、鼻 塞或鼻子、嘴巴和嘴唇發癢等症狀。有數百種黴菌,但並非所 有黴菌都會引起過敏症狀。最常見的引起過敏的黴菌包括鍊格 孢屬、曲霉屬、枝孢屬和青黴屬。

8) Almost 62% of U.S. households have pets, and more than 161 million of these pets are cats and  dogs.* Unfortunately, millions of pet owners have an allergy (allergic rhinitis) to their animals.The  proteins found in a pet's dander, skin flakes, saliva and urine can cause an allergic reaction or  aggravate asthma symptoms in some people. Also, pet hair or fur can collect pollen, mold spores and  other outdoor allergens. An allergen is a normally harmless substance that triggers the immune system to overreact in people with allergies. This response can cause allergy symptoms such as  sniffling, sneezing and itchiness and watery eyes. Contrary to popular opinion, there are no truly  “hypoallergenic breeds” of dogs or cats. Allergic dander in cats and dogs is not affected by length of  hair or fur, nor by the amount of shedding. Giving up a pet in order to prevent allergy symptoms isn’t  always necessary. An allergist / immunologist has specialized training and experience to accurately  diagnose your symptoms and develop a treatment plan to help you or your child manage allergy  symptoms and potentially keep your furry friends.

8) 幾乎 62% 的美國家庭養有寵物,其中超過 1.61 億隻寵物是貓和 狗。*不幸的是,數以百萬計的寵物主人對他們的動物過敏( 過敏性鼻 )。寵物皮屑、皮屑中發現的蛋白質、唾液和尿液會引起過敏反應或加 重某些人的哮喘症狀。 此外,寵物的毛髮或毛皮可以收集花粉黴菌孢 子和其他室外過敏原。過敏原是一種通常無害的物質,它會觸發免疫系 對過敏患者反應過度。這種反應會引起過敏症狀,例如流鼻涕、打噴 嚏、發癢和流淚。與流行觀點相反,沒有真正的“低過敏性品種”狗或貓。 貓和狗的過敏性皮屑不受頭髮或皮毛長度的影響,也不受脫落量的影 響。放棄寵物以防止過敏症狀並不總是必要的。過敏症專家/免疫學家 經過專門培訓並擁有豐富經驗,可以準確診斷您的症狀並製定治療計 劃,幫助您或您的孩子控製過敏症狀,並有可能留住您的毛茸茸的朋 友。

9) Irritated skin can be caused by a variety of factors. These include immune system disorders, medications and infections. When an allergen is responsible for triggering  an immune system response in the skin, then it is an allergic skin condition. 

Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) 

Eczema is the most common skin condition, especially in children. It affects one in  five infants but only 10% of adults. One explanation for eczema is thought to be due  to “leakiness” of the skin barrier, which causes it to dry out and become prone to  irritation and inflammation by many environmental factors. Also, some young children  with eczema can flare with a particular food. In about half of patients with severe  atopic dermatitis, the disease is due to inheritance of a faulty gene in their skin called  filaggrin, although this is affected by your race and ethnicity. Unlike with urticaria  (hives), histamine is not the only cause of the itch of eczema so anti-histamines may  not control the symptoms. Eczema is often linked with asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay  fever) or food allergy. This order of progression is called the atopic march.

9) 受刺激的皮膚可能由多種因素引起。這些包括免疫系統紊亂、藥物和感 染。當過敏原負責觸發皮膚的免疫系統反應時,它就是過敏性皮膚病。 


濕疹是最常見的皮膚病,尤其是兒童。它影響五分之一的嬰兒,但僅影響 10% 的成年人。對濕疹的一種解釋被認為是由於皮膚屏障的“滲漏”,導致 它變乾並容易受到許多環境因素的刺激和炎症。此外,一些患有濕疹的幼 兒會因特定食物而發作。在大約一半的重度特應性皮炎患者中,這種疾病 是由於他們的皮膚中遺傳了一種稱為聚絲蛋白的缺陷基因,儘管這會受到 您的種族和種族的影響。與蕁麻疹(蕁麻疹)不同,組胺不是濕疹瘙癢的唯 一原因,因此抗組胺藥可能無法控制症狀。濕疹通常與哮喘過敏性鼻炎 (花粉熱)或食物過敏有關。這種進展順序稱為特應性進行曲。

Allergic Contact Dermatitis 

Allergic contact dermatitis occurs when your skin comes in direct contact with an allergen. For  instance, if you have a nickel allergy and your skin comes in contact with jewelry made with  even a very small amount of nickel, you may develop red, bumpy, scaly, itchy or swollen skin at  the point of contact. 

Coming in contact with poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac can also cause allergic contact  dermatitis. The red, itchy rash is caused by an oily coating covering these plants. The allergic  reaction can come from actually touching the plant, or by touching clothing, pets or even  gardening tools that have come in contact with the oil. 


Angioedema is swelling without itching in the deep layers of the skin. It is often seen together  with urticaria (hives). Angioedema many times occurs in soft tissues such as the eyelids, mouth  or genitals. Angioedema is called "acute" if the condition lasts only a short time such as minutes  to hours. Acute angioedema is commonly caused by an allergic reaction to medications or  foods. Chronic recurrent angioedema is when the condition returns over a long period of time,  with each episode lasting hours to several days. Most cases do not have an identifiable cause.


當您的皮膚直接接觸過敏原時,就會發生過敏性接觸性皮炎例如,如果您對鎳過敏並且您的 皮膚接觸到由極少量鎳製成的首飾,您可能會在接觸點出現紅色、凹凸不平、鱗狀、發癢或腫 脹的皮膚。 

接觸毒藤、毒橡樹和毒漆樹也會引起過敏性接觸性皮炎。紅色、發癢的皮疹是由覆蓋這些植 物的油性塗層引起的。過敏反應可能來自實際接觸植物,或接觸與油接觸過的衣服、寵物甚 至園藝工具。 


血管性水腫在皮膚深層腫脹而不發癢。它經常與蕁麻疹(蕁麻疹)一起出現。血管性水腫多次 發生在眼瞼、口腔或生殖器等軟組織中。如果這種情況只持續很短的時間,例如幾分鐘到幾 小時,則血管性水腫被稱為“急性”。急性血管性水腫通常由對藥物或食物的過敏反應引起。慢 性複發性血管性水腫是指病情在很長一段時間內復發,每次發作持續數小時至數天。大多數 情況下沒有可識別的原因。

Urticaria (Hives) 

Hives are an inflammation of the skin triggered when the immune system releases  histamine. This causes small blood vessels to leak, which leads to swelling and itching.  Swelling without itching in deep layers of the skin is called angioedema. There are two  kinds of urticaria, acute and chronic. Acute urticaria occurs at times after eating a  particular food or coming in contact with a particular trigger. It can also be triggered by  non-allergic causes such as heat or exercise, as well as medications, foods, insect bites  or infections. Chronic urticaria is rarely caused by specific triggers and so allergy tests are  usually not helpful. However, in rare hereditary diseases that cause chronic urticaria,  genetic tests are helpful. Chronic urticaria can last for many months or years. Although  they are often uncomfortable and sometimes painful, hives are not contagious. 


蕁麻疹是免疫系統釋放組胺時引發的皮膚炎症。這會導緻小血管滲漏,從而導致腫脹和瘙 癢。皮膚深層腫脹而不發癢稱為血管性水腫。蕁麻疹有急性和慢性兩種。急性蕁麻疹有時會 在食用特定食物或接觸特定誘因後發生。它也可能由非過敏原因引發,例如熱或運動,以及 藥物、食物、昆蟲叮咬或感染。慢性蕁麻疹很少由特定誘因引起,因此過敏測試通常沒有幫 助。然而,在引起慢性蕁麻疹的罕見遺傳性疾病中,基因檢測是有幫助的。慢性蕁麻疹可持續 數月或數年。儘管它們常常讓人感到不舒服,有時甚至會感到疼痛,但蕁麻疹並不具有傳染 

Hereditary angiodema (HAE) 

Hereditary angiodema (HAE) is a rare, but serious genetic condition involving swelling in various body  parts including the hands, feet, face, intestinal wall and airways. It does not respond to typical  angioedema treatment with antihistamines or adrenaline so it is important to see a specialist to screen  for HAE and other genetic conditions. 

Skin conditions are one of the most common forms of allergy treated and managed by an allergist / immunologist, a physician with specialized training and expertise to accurately diagnose your  condition and provide relief for your symptoms. 

遺傳性血管性水腫 (HAE) 

遺傳性血管性水腫(HAE) 是一種罕見但嚴重的遺傳病,涉及身體各個部位的腫脹,包括手、腳、臉、腸壁和 氣道。它對使用抗組胺藥或腎上腺素進行的典型血管性水腫治療沒有反應,因此請專科醫生篩查 HAE 和其 他遺傳病症非常重要。 

皮膚病是最常見的過敏形式之一,由過敏症專家/免疫學家治療和管理,他們是經過專門培訓和具備專業知識 的醫生,可以準確診斷您的狀況並緩解您的症狀 

10) Most of us develop redness and swelling at the site of an insect bite. Yet people  who are allergic to stinging insect venom are at risk for a much more serious reaction.  This life-threatening reaction is called anaphylaxis (an-a-fi-LAK-sis). 

Understanding differences in symptoms between a normal reaction and an allergic reaction can bring peace of mind. It is also important to have an accurate diagnosis so  you can manage your condition and be prepared for an emergency. 

An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system overreacts to an allergen. In stinging  insect allergy, the allergen is venom from a sting. Most serious reactions are caused by  five types of insects:

10) 我們大多數人都會在昆蟲叮咬部位出現紅腫。然而,對帶刺昆蟲毒液過敏 的人有發生更嚴重反應的風險。這種危及生命的反應稱為過敏反應 (an-a-fi-LAK-sis)。 

了解正常反應和過敏反應之間的症狀差異可以讓您安心。進行準確的診斷也很 重要,這樣您就可以控制自己的病情並為緊急情況做好準備。 

免疫系統對過敏原反應過度時,就會發生過敏反應。在刺痛昆蟲過敏中,過 敏原是刺痛的毒液。最嚴重的反應是由五種昆蟲引起的:

• Yellow jackets are black with yellow markings, found in various climates. Their nests are usually located  underground, but sometimes found in the walls of buildings, cracks in masonry or in woodpiles. 

• Honeybees have round, fuzzy bodies with dark brown and yellow markings. They can be found in honeycombs  in trees, old tires or other partially protected sites. 

• Paper wasps are slender with black, brown, red and yellow markings. They live in a circular comb under eaves,  behind shutters or in shrubs and woodpiles. 

• Hornets are black or brown with white, orange or yellow markings. Their nests are gray or brown and are usually  found in trees. 

• Fire ants are reddish-brown ants living in large mounds, mostly in warmer climates. They attack with little  warning, inserting highly concentrated toxins that cause burning and pain. 

• 黃色夾克是黑色的,帶有黃色斑紋,出現在各種氣候條件下。它們的巢穴通常位於地下,但有時也可以在建築物 的牆壁、磚石結構的裂縫或木樁中找到。 

• 蜜蜂有圓形、毛茸茸的身體,帶有深棕色和黃色斑紋。它們可以在樹上的蜂窩、舊輪胎或其他部分受保護的地方 找到。 

• 紙蜂體型細長,帶有黑色、棕色、紅色和黃色斑紋。他們住在屋簷下、百葉窗後面或灌木叢和柴堆中的圓形梳子 中。 

• 大黃蜂為黑色或棕色,帶有白色、橙色或黃色斑紋。它們的巢是灰色或棕色的,通常在樹上。 

• 火蟻是紅棕色的螞蟻,生活在大土堆中,主要生活在溫暖的氣候中。它們在幾乎沒有任何警告的情況下發動攻擊 ,注入高濃度毒素,引起灼痛和疼痛。

What are the three types of allergy tests? 

Various tests can be used to find out what kind of substance is causing an allergic reaction: skin tests, blood tests and provocation tests. Your doctor will usually decide which test to use based on your description of the symptoms and your medical history.Apr 23, 2020 


可以使用各種測試來找出引起過敏反應的物質種類:皮膚測試、血液 測試和激發測試。您的醫生通常會根據您對症狀的描述和您的病史來 決定使用哪種測試。

Allergy Blood Test 

An allergy blood test measures a substance called immunoglobulin E (IgE) in your blood. IgE is an antibody that your body makes. If you have allergies, you may have more IgE in your blood than normal. 

Other names: IgE allergy test, Quantitative IgE, Immunoglobulin E, Total IgE, Specific IgE, RAST, CAP, ELISA 


過敏血液測試會測量血液中一種叫做免疫球蛋白 E (IgE) 的物質。 IgE 是您身體產生的抗體。如果您有過敏症, 您血液中的 IgE 可能會比正常人多。 

其他名稱:IgE 過敏測試、定量 IgE、免疫球蛋白 E、總 IgE、特異性 IgERASTCAPELISA

When is an allergy blood test needed? 

You may need an allergy blood test if you have: 

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever), usually the result of pollen, pet allergies or mold (aspergillosis). 

Anaphylaxis, which is a severe and sometimes life-threatening allergic reaction to certain foods, insect stings or other allergens. 

Contact dermatitis, caused by contact with irritants such as chemicals, detergents, poisonous plants or certain metals (such as a nickel allergy). 



過敏性鼻炎(花粉熱) ,通常是花粉、 寵物過敏或黴菌( 曲霉病)的結果。 ● 過敏反應,這是對某些食物、昆蟲叮咬或其他過敏原的嚴重且有時危及生命的過敏反應。 ● 接觸性皮炎,由接觸化學品、清潔劑、 有毒植物或某些金屬(如鎳過敏)等刺激物引起。

抗過敏藥 https://www.webmd.com/allergies/allergy medications



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