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【法律】犯轻罪会影响绿卡申请吗?-----解读移民局背景调查和审查标准 | 董金寶律師事務所

05/11/2023     董金寶律師事務所

绿卡是一份非常有价值的身份,它赋予个人在美国的永久居留权。然而,如果您有犯罪记录,那么您的绿卡申请过程可能将会受到影响。如果您曾经犯下过轻罪 ,那么是否会对绿卡申请造成影响呢?在Tung & Associates, APLC,我们的经验丰富的律师团队专注于民事和刑事诉讼,可以为您提供在复杂的移民流程中所需的法律指导和代表。本文将为您解答这个问题,探讨背景调查的作用以及移民局审查标准的细节。同时,我们还将介绍一些解决方案,帮助您应对犯罪记录对绿卡申请可能带来的负面影响。




轻罪 (misdemeanor crime) 是一种比起重罪(felony)情节较轻的刑事犯罪。它可能会被判入狱一年或罚款。轻罪犯罪的常见类型包括偷窃、醉酒驾车、家庭暴力和其他暴力犯罪。




简短回答是,这取决于轻罪的类型以及犯罪的情况。在您申请绿卡时,您将接受背景调查 background check),其中包括对您的犯罪记录(criminal record)进行审核。如果您的记录上有轻罪,那么这项记录也将在申请过程中被考虑在内。




如果您的轻罪情节和性质较为轻微 minor offense),例如是由一些严重的交通违规导致的轻罪,那么它可能不太会对您的绿卡申请产生重大影响。但是,如果是更为严重的罪行,例如家庭暴力、毒品持有或醉酒驾车,则可能会引起移民官对您品行的担忧,可能会导致您的申请被拒绝。








在某些情况下,在刑事案件被裁决后,可能会有将轻罪从记录中清除或封存的可能。但是,清除或封存并不总是可行的,需要依据您所在州的法律而异。 如果这种轻罪无法被清除或封存,那么您仍然需要提供关于罪行的详细信息,并证明您已经采取了有效的步骤来进行自我改正。这其中可能包括完成康复计划,履行社区服务义务,或参加其他能够证明您是守法公民的活动。




联系 Tung & Associates 的律师团队


尽管记录上有轻罪可能会影响您的绿卡申请,但通过正确的策略和有经验的律师的指导,您仍然有很大的可能获得美国的永久居留权。在 Tung & Associates, APLC,我们致力于为客户提供个性化和有效的法律代表服务。我们有一支经验丰富的律师团队,可以为您提供法律支持和代表。我们将与您密切合作,评估您的案件并制定获得成功的策略来解决您的刑事案件和提交您的移民申请。欢迎您随时联系我们预约咨询,让我们帮助您实现您的移民目标。






Can a Misdemeanor Crime Affect Your Green Card Application


A green card is a valuable immigration status that grants individuals permanent residency in the United States. It allows them to live, work, and study in the country on a long-term basis, and it also serves as a pathway to citizenship. However, obtaining a green card is not an easy process. One of the factors that can affect a green card application is a misdemeanor crime.  At Tung & Associates, our team of experienced attorneys focuses on civil and criminal litigation and can provide the legal guidance and representation you need to navigate the complex immigration process. In this article, we will explore the potential impact of a misdemeanor on a green card application. 


What is a misdemeanor crime?


A misdemeanor is a type of criminal offense that is less serious than a felony. It has the potential to carry a sentence of up to one year in jail and/or a fine. Examples of misdemeanor crimes include petty theft, DUI, domestic violence, and simple assault.


Will a misdemeanor crime affect my green card application?


The short answer is that it depends on the type of misdemeanor and the circumstances surrounding the crime. When you apply for a green card, you will be subject to a background check that includes a review of your criminal record. If you have a misdemeanor on your record, it will be taken into consideration during the application process.


The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) evaluates each green card application on a case-by-case basis, taking into account factors such as the nature and severity of the offense, the length of time since the offense was committed, and the applicant's behavior since the offense occurred.


If the misdemeanor is a minor offense, such as a serious traffic violation, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on your green card application. However, if the misdemeanor is a more serious offense, such as domestic violence, drug possession, or DUI, it may raise concerns about your character and may result in a denial of your application.


It is important to note that even if the misdemeanor offense does not automatically disqualify you from obtaining a green card, it may still raise red flags during the application process. You will need to provide detailed information about the offense, including any mitigating factors that may have contributed to your behavior. It is also important to demonstrate that you have been rehabilitated and have not engaged in any criminal activity since the offense occurred.


What can I do if I have a misdemeanor on my record?


If you have a misdemeanor on your record and are applying for a green card, it is important to consult with an experienced attorney who focuses on both criminal and immigration law. They can help you evaluate your case and develop a strategy for presenting your application in the best possible light.


In some cases, it may be possible to have the misdemeanor expunged or sealed from your record after the criminal case has been adjudicated. However, expungement or sealing is not always possible, and the laws vary from state to state. 


If the misdemeanor cannot be expunged or sealed, you will need to provide detailed information about the offense and demonstrate that you have taken steps to rehabilitate yourself. This may include completing a rehabilitation program, performing community service, or engaging in other activities that demonstrate your commitment to being a law-abiding citizen.


An experienced attorney who focuses on both criminal and immigration law can help you obtain the best results possible, based on the unique facts of your case.  After the case is resolved, he can then help you seek to expunge or seal your misdemeanor, if that is an option. If you have a misdemeanor on your record, you should always consult with an attorney regarding your situation.


Contact an experienced attorney at Tung & Associates


Having a misdemeanor on your record can affect your green card application.  However, with the right strategy and guidance from an experienced attorney, it is still possible to obtain permanent residency in the United States. At Tung & Associates, APLC, we are committed to providing personalized and effective legal representation to our clients.  Our team of experienced attorneys can provide the legal support and representation you need. We will work closely with you to evaluate your case and develop a winning strategy for resolving your criminal case and presenting your immigration application. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us help you achieve your immigration goals.





The information provided in this article is for general information purposes only. It is not offered as legal advice and should not be construed or relied upon as such by a reader. Nothing contained in it is intended as legal advice or presented for the purpose of establishing an attorney-client relationship.



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