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【教育】恭喜美國珠心算聯合會青少年菁英團2023-2024理事成員 | 加州安老師才藝教育學苑

07/03/2023     加州安老師才藝教育學苑

正式的宣布新當選的2023-2024年美國珠心算聯合會-青少年菁英團(UAAYA)理事成員。 美國珠心算聯合會(UAAA)理事們經過審慎的評估,終於選拔出最優秀的成員們。
除了菁英團原有的資深合作團隊之外,今年特增J-Board 他們的申請表格才眾出色,我們迫不及待地想看看優秀的他們將從 E-Board 的大哥哥,大姐姐那裡學習成果,更期待他們青出於藍而勝於藍。

We are excited to announce the newly elected 2023-2024 United Abacus Arithmetic Youth Association 美國珠心算聯合會-青少年菁英團 (UAAYA) Board Members. The UAAA Board took many factors into consideration and are confident that these are the best officers moving forward. 

In addition to our Executive Board, this year, we have added to our team a Junior Board! Their applications were extremely well-rounded, and we can’t wait to see how much they will learn from their mentors in E-Board. Congratulations again!


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