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07/12/2023     愛加倍蒙特梭利學校

Agape Montessori School 

Agape Montessori希望提供最好的環境給幼兒,使他們無論身體、智能、心理都能得到最好的培育,期盼將來能成長為一個健康快樂、有責任感、獨立自主的人,並且是一個能營造和諧人際關係的人。

Our mission is to provide the best environment for children to develop physically, psychologically, intellectually, and spiritually, in hopes of becoming healthy, happy, sociable, responsible, and independent people.

[ 蒙特梭利小辭典 About Montessori]

Montessori Education (蒙特梭利教育)是世界公認的幼兒發展最佳教育模式之一,它是由義大利第一位女醫師Dr. Maria Montessori 研究人類腦力和性格發展的關係,發現每個成長階段各有特色,而人格發展最重要的時期就是幼兒時期,0-6歲的幼兒腦力就像海綿般,能夠將環境一切刺激全盤吸收,不分好壞,所以環境對6歲前的兒童是非常的重要!

Dr. Maria Montessori was a physician whose career was dedicated to the study of children. She discovered that the characteristics at each stage of human development are unique and that the foundation of the whole personality is laid during the early years of life. This discovery is now universally accepted in scientific circles. 

“The child gives us a beautiful lesson – that in order to form and maintain our intelligence, we must use our hands. ”
Maria Montessori
The 1946 London Lectures, p. 153 

Upcoming Events:
June 5th- June 30th: Summer Camp 1
Tuesday, July 4th: Independence Day (no school)
July 5th-July 28th: Summer Camp 2 
Monday, August 7th: First Day of School 2023-2024
