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09/19/2023     加州安老師才藝教育學苑

Dear All,
We are excited to invite you to participate in the 2024 Global Cup! Compete with students from around the world and put your mental math skills to the test, while learning about STEAM education and cultural exchange.
This year, the competition will be held at the Pacific Palms Resort on Sunday, Jan 14th, 2024 at 8:30am PT.
REGISTER TODAY before our limited spots are taken! 
If you are not a SoCal Mental Math/UAAA student, please contact your teacher for registration instructions. Feel free to email us at unitedaaaglobal@gmail.com if you have any questions.
由美國珠心算聯合會主辦全球盃珠心算冠軍邀請賽,即日起開始報名囉!一年一度全球盃冠軍賽是國際珠心算好手互相切磋學習的大舞台。透過比賽機會,讓來自世界各地的珠心算同好,了解美國STEAM 教育教學的成果,藉由分享,增加與會者認識各國文化之差異進而擴展視野。
2024年全球盃將於 1 月 14 日(星期日)早上8:30(太平洋標準時間)透過APP 以現場方式舉行。


關於 加州安老師才藝教育學苑