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【醫療】龙舞洛城:iRelax.Life璀璨新春盛宴揭秘全球招商 计划

02/03/2024     愛輕鬆護脊理療機器人

2024年1月28日,在美国洛杉矶,爱轻松生活iRelax.Life 美国总部精心策划并举办了一场独特的高端新春午宴庆典及全球项目招商活动,由全球网共同主办。这不仅是一次辞旧迎新的庆祝,更是iRelax.Life宣布其准备进入全球市场,开启全球网络推广的新时期,向全球展示其在整体健康(HolisticHealth)领域的独特特点以及向全球招募合作伙伴的热切期望。

本次活动的核心亮点是iRelax.Life的旗舰产品—爱轻松理疗养生机器人的全球市场推介。这一创新产品已成行业的焦点,吸引了全球合作伙伴的广泛关注。全球市场总监 Sara的发言进一步明确了参与iRelax.Life生态系统的商业潜力和盈利前景,引发了与会者的极大兴趣。为了增加与会者的参与度和满意度,iRelax.Life还巧妙地设计了健康产品抽奖活动,提升了品牌互动体验。

活动现场的高潮迭起,从新产品展示到文化表演,如朝鲜舞、拉丁舞、爵士舞、肚皮舞等,每一项安排都精心设计,旨在展现iRelax.Life 品牌的国际视野和文化包容性。知名节目主持人和英文歌手的精彩演出,为宾客带来了一场视听盛宴,而“科目三”的集体舞蹈更是将活动氛围推向了高潮,展示了品牌的活力与创新精神。

我们iRelax.Life 希望2024年能为每个人带来"Relax,Refresh, Rejuvenation(放松、焕新、复苏)"的生活体验。此次吉祥龙年新春庆典活动不仅是一次热闹派对,更是iRelax.Life 展望未来,在这个充满希望的新年年初,我们传承龙的精神,致力于通过其创新的产品和服务,引领大家拥抱更加健康和幸福的生活方式,让生活和事业都迈向更加辉煌的未来。

招商热线:+1 888-541-8627


On January 28, 2024, in Los Angeles, USA, iRelax. Life's US headquarters meticulously planned and hosted a unique high-end Lunar New Year luncheon celebration and global project investment recruitment event, co-hosted by GlobalNet. This was not only a celebration to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new but also a proclamation by iRelax. Life of its readiness to enter the global market, ushering in a new era of global network promotion, showcasing its unique features in the holistic health sector, and its eager anticipation to recruit global partners.

The highlight of the event was the global market introduction of iRelax.Life's flagship product - the iRelax Therapeutic Wellness Robot. This innovative product has become a focal point in the industry, attracting broad attention from global partners. Sara, the Global Market Director, further clarified the commercial potential and profit outlook of joining the iRelax.Life ecosystem, sparking great interest among attendees. To enhance participant engagement and satisfaction, iRelax. Life cleverly organized a health product raffle, elevating the brand interaction experience.

The event reached climax after climax, from new product displays to cultural performances, such as Korean dance, Latin dance, jazz, and belly dancing. Each arrangement was meticulously planned to demonstrate iRelax.Life's international perspective and curtural inelusiveness.

Renowned hosts and English singers delivered spectacular performances, providing a feast for both eyes and ears for the guests. Moreover, the collective dance to "Subject Three" pushed the atmosphere to its peak, showcasing the brand's vitality and spirit of innovation.

At iRelax.Life, we hope to bring a "Relax, Refresh, Rejuvenation" experience to everyone in 2024. This auspicious Lunar New Year celebration was not just a lively party; it signified iRelax.Life's vision for the future. At the dawn of this hopeful new year, we embrace the spirit of the dragon, committed to leading everyone to embrace a healthier and happier lifestyle through our innovative products and services, propelling both life and business towards a more splendid future.

For investment inquiries: +1 888-541-8627

Online discussion: www.iRelax.Life


關於 愛輕鬆護脊理療機器人