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【教育】大學申請攻略大揭秘!| ACI南加州學院

03/09/2024     ACI南加州學院



03/16/2024 Saturday 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

ACI Arcadia 亞凱迪亞校208 E. Duarte Rd., Arcadia, CA 91006

Tel: (626) 821-6525

中英文 兩場講座同步進行 Chinese & English Seminars Simultaneously

Mr. Hayash

USC Admission Officer

USC 南加大 現任 入學審核


ACI南加州學院 創辦人 Mr. Kuo 郭校長



南加州學院 西區校區主任 Ms. Cathy 侯主任

ACI College Prep West Regional Director, 33 Yrs Experience


南加州學院 27年資深顧問 Mr. Perreault

ACI College Prep Lead Counselor 27 Yrs Experience




3.全美Top 30大學如何有效申請





8.AI 改變升學與職場架構,申請名校需有全新視

Seminar Topics: 1. Top Ranked universities (including Ivy Leagues) and UC admission criteria. 2. The new Digital SAT remains critical. What is the testing landscape, and what score is considered competitive? 3. How can students effectively showcase themselves to Top 30 universities?  4. Proper planning for AP Courses and Exams to increase admission success rates. 5. What courses, competitions, summer programs, and research projects help applicants stand out? 6. Insights on the college application process from an admissions reader. 7. Misconceptions about what colleges want -- and case studies of successful students accepted at their dream school. 8. A new perspective on the impact of AI on admissions and careers.

ACI Arcadia 亞凱迪亞校區   

208 E. Duarte Rd.,

Arcadia, CA 91006

Tel: (626) 821-6525




關於 ACI南加州學院