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美佛寺發起建寺籌款/New Temple Fundraising

08/06/2024     美佛寺


因寺務日增,美佛寺現址已不敷使用。今因緣和合,於加州洛杉磯偶遇一方土地(詳細地址:1478 E Holt Ave, Covina, CA 91724),面積為 7.16英畝,交通便捷,可為永久道場供善信聽經聞法。建寺功德不可思議,值此殊勝因緣,望十方護法發心,結十方緣,成十方事。每平方尺認捐十美元,所有捐款均可抵稅,如需更多詳細信息及聯絡捐款事宜,請垂詢本寺。希望大家有錢出錢,有力出力;沒錢沒力,動動手指,幫美佛寺分享一下,算是跟美國眾生結佛緣。感恩您的慈悲與分享,阿彌陀佛!
Due to the increase in temple activities, the current property of ABF is no longer adequate to meet our needs. It was a favorable coincidence that we found a 7.16-acre (310,000 Sq Ft) site conveniently located at 1478 E Holt Ave in Covina, California and is suitable as a permanent place for believers to learn and practice the Dharma. The merit of building a temple is inconceivable. We hope all devotees may seize this incredible opportunity to help the temple and spread the Dharma. A donation of ten dollars per square foot. All donations are tax deductible. For more information, please contact us.

精舍地址Temple Address:1032 S. 1st Street,  Alhambra, CA 91801, U.S.A.
支票抬頭 Payable to:American Buddhist Fellowship (略寫 initial: A.B.F.)
咨詢電話/Zelle Pay:626-213 4563


關於 美佛寺