A.B.F will hold a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Dharma Services in the temple on August 31 and September 1. For those who are interested to participate, please contact us for registration. Amitabha!
本 寺 地 址:1032 S. 1st Street, Alhambra, CA 91801, U.S.A.
支 票 抬 頭:American Buddhist Fellowship (略寫 initial: A.B.F.)
Zelle轉賬代碼/咨詢電話:626-213 4563
網 址:www.meifotemple.org
查 詢 郵 件:ABF@meifotemple.org 或 meifotemple@gmail.com
美佛寺 性仁 合十