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楊清泉律師專欄-關於可否免債結了案的破產案件可以重新提起訴訟 一旦提交第7章破產,法庭書記員發出的案子開始的通知,給債務人呈請的郵件列表中列出的所有債權人。該通知包括提出反對免債的期限。如果債權人未及時提出關於免債異議,或未能及時提交一項議案,延長提交異議的時間...
楊清泉律師專欄-SENIOR-CITIZEN-CLIENT-SEEKS-CHAPTER-7-RELIEF-Ⅱ 【上一頁】Client will do a Chapter 7 to get rid of credit card debt of $100,000 and to discharge the volu...
楊清泉律師專欄-SENIOR-CITIZEN-CLIENT-SEEKS-CHAPTER-7-RELIEF-I Client is a woman who is 72 years old. She worked as a mental health therapist for 40 years since sh...
楊清泉律師專欄-DEATHBED-BANKRUPTCY I don’t really want to talk about death but everyone dies whether we like it or not. Blame Adam for ...
楊清泉律師成功贏得房地產合同大案 楊清泉律師,(如下圖與 N先生合影),成功地為N先生贏得房地產合同案件 。當年 N先生賣4個單位的公寓大樓開價為$450,000.00,照現在的樣子,賣給買家。買方則請房屋檢查後要求降$10,000....
楊清泉律師專欄-入息審查錯誤陳述可能用於判定欺詐意圖 入息審查是根據國稅局表格,於破產時計算可支配的收入,以確定該情況下應該是第7章或第13章的破產;如果第13章,承諾期應該是多久。除了入息審查,現在有新的I表格,是在上個月就出來了,這也是在計算債務人的...
楊清泉律師專欄-LEGAL-TREATMENT-OF-FORECLOSURE-DEFICIENCY-Ⅱ 【上一頁】 Rodgers kills you with his handgun as you enter pizza hut to get your lunch. I mean, can anyt...
楊清泉律師專欄-LEGAL-TREATMENT-OF-FORECLOSURE-DEFICIENCY-I A foreclosure deficiency is the amount you legally owe to the creditor after the property is foreclo...
Atty-Yang-Successfully-Defends-in-Major-Real-Estate-Contract-Case ATTY. LARRY YANG successfully defended Mr. N in a major real-estate contract case. Mr. N sold a 4-un...
楊清泉律師專欄-何時使用第13章 何時使用第13章 第13章通常用來保住房子不被法拍。但這不是第13章使用的唯一情況。當第13章申請提交,就像破產任何其他章节,自動中止立即停止房屋法拍。例如,法拍房子是2014年7月7日。屋主若要救自...
楊清泉律師專欄-MEANS-TEST-MISSTATEMENTS-MAY-BE-PROOF-OF-FRAUDULENT-INTENT-二 【上一頁】 Debtor then filed an answer denying the allegations in the complaint. After filing his answer,...
楊清泉律師專欄-MEANS-TEST-MISSTATEMENTS-MAY-BE-PROOF-OF-FRAUDULENT-INTENT-一 The means test is the IRS based form of calculating disposable income in bankruptcy to determine if ...
楊清泉律師專欄-USE-CHAPTER-13-TO-HANDLE-STUDENT-LOANS-TAXES-PART2 【上一頁】So, let’s just say client is 30 years old now. At the age of 35, how much student loan will she...
楊清泉律師專欄-USE-CHAPTER-13-TO-HANDLE-STUDENT-LOANS-TAXES-PART1 Chapter 13 has been popular to strip down junior liens such as 2nd trust deeds and home equity loans...
PROFESSIONAL-AND-BUSINESS-OWNER-BOTH-SEEK-BANKRUPTCY-PROTECTION-PART2 【接上頁】 THE BUSINESSOWNER Client owns 3 large buses that she uses to bring tourists around sights...

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