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楊清泉律師專欄-IS-INHERITED-IRA-EXEMPT-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-1 Not many people know that parents can transfer their retirement accounts such as 401k and IRA to the...
楊清泉律師專欄-AUTISTIC-DEBTOR-DISCHARGES-STUDENT-LOANS-PART-2 Thus, the debtor satisfied the first prong of the ‘Brunner’ test. The debtor clearly and convincingl...
楊清泉律師專欄-AUTISTIC-DEBTOR-DISCHARGES-STUDENT-LOANS-PART-1 The general rule in bankruptcy is that student loans are not dischargeable debts, unless debtor can ...
楊清泉律師-破產時沒有列出租金收入會被定為不誠實 “破產法”第707節的規定,法院有權對濫用破產的案件予以撤銷。什麼樣的行為構成債務人濫用破產法要看全面情況。例如,儘管入息測試裡表明他擁有豐厚可支配收入,而債務人仍然申請破產,美國聯邦受託人將提交一...
楊清泉-IS-SOCIAL-SECURITY-PART-OF-DISPOSABLE-INCOME-IN-CHAPTER-13-PART-2 The trustee asserted that it was certain that debtor would receive more than $87,000 in SSI over the...
楊清泉-IS-SOCIAL-SECURITY-PART-OF-DISPOSABLE-INCOME-IN-CHAPTER-13-PART-1 Imagine that you are a Chapter 13 debtor. You owe $100,000 of credit card debt. You receive a pensio...
楊清泉律師-CAN-DEBTOR-COMPEL-BANK-TO-FORECLOSE-PART-2 In Re Moore v. BAC Home Loans, the Chapter 13 debtor’s confirmed plan called for the surrender of hi...
楊清泉律師-CAN-DEBTOR-COMPEL-BANK-TO-FORECLOSE-PART-1 Why would a debtor want to compel bank to foreclose on his house? Recently, the LA times ran a story...
楊清泉律師-PRE-FILING-TRANSFER-OF-HOUSE-TO-SON-FRAUDULENT-PART-2 In Re Krepps, the Chapter 13 debtor’s bankruptcy schedules said he owned his home, and planned to su...
楊清泉律師-PRE-FILING-TRANSFER-OF-HOUSE-TO-SON-FRAUDULENT-PART-1 Let’s assume that you lost your job and are no longer able to make the mortgage payments on your hou...
楊清泉律師-申請破產之前將房子轉讓給兒子的欺詐性 假設你失去了工作,無法供你的房屋貸款,所以你放棄房子的權利,由你的兒子接著按揭付款。你的房子有淨值為$70,000美元。下週,你決定提交第7章破產救濟,因為你欠了$50,000美元的信用卡債務。破產案...
楊清泉律師-IS-193-000-WORKER-S-COMP-RECEIVED-ONE-DAY-POST-BANKRUPTCY-EXEMPT-PART2 At the hearing on the trustee’s objection to debtor’s exemption, the debtor’s worker’s compensation ...
楊清泉律師-IS-193-000-WORKER-S-COMP-RECEIVED-ONE-DAY-POST-BANKRUPTCY-EXEMPT-PART1 Suppose that you lost your finger in a work related accident. You filed a worker’s compensation clai...
BANK-PRESIDENT-CONVICTED-OF-BANKRUPTCY-FRAUD-PART-2 In the process of defrauding First City Bank, Conner and his cohorts allegedly routinely misled fede...
BANK-PRESIDENT-CONVICTED-OF-BANKRUPTCY-FRAUD-PART-1 The bankruptcy petition must be as accurate as possible, otherwise, debtor may have to go to jail fo...

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