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楊清泉律師-IS-TOTTEN-TRUST-PROPERTY-OF-BANKRUPTCY-ESTATE-PATR-2 The court said the savings account was “a classic ‘Totten’ or savings account trust whereby a deposi...
楊清泉律師-IS-TOTTEN-TRUST-PROPERTY-OF-BANKRUPTCY-ESTATE-PATR-1 A ‘TOTTEN’ trust is a savings account trust established by a person for his son or daughter. To il...
楊清泉律師-公司老板是否要對公司的債務負責 如果一個公司還不起其債務,該公司的債權人是否能合法地要求申請破產救濟的業主支付公司的債務?例如,Nobama 從Netflix的股票在過去45天裡翻了一番,他用這些利潤購買柯達。柯達上週申請第11章破...
NOT-EVERY-OMISSION-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PETITION-AMOUNTS-TO-FALSE-OATH-PART-2 Another reason why an omission is a false oath is because testimony given by a debtor at the 341a m...
NOT-EVERY-OMISSION-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PETITION-AMOUNTS-TO-FALSE-OATH-PART-1 Section 727(a)(4)(A) provides that the court shall grant the debtor a discharge unless “the debtor k...
ARE-BUSINESS-OWNERS-IN-CHAPTER-7-LIABLE-FOR-CORPORATE-DEBT-PART-2 Imagine if the situation were reversed. Let’s say that Mr. Thompson was actually using FPL as his a...
ARE-BUSINESS-OWNERS-IN-CHAPTER-7-LIABLE-FOR-CORPORATE-DEBT-PART-1 If a corporation is not able to pay its debt, can creditors of the corporation demand payment legall...
楊清泉律師-IS-MONEY-FROM-WORKERS-COMPENSATION-EXEMPT-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-2 The trustee then asked the court for a stay pending appeal, and asked the court to prohibit TCF Na...
楊清泉律師-IS-MONEY-FROM-WORKERS-COMPENSATION-EXEMPT-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-1 Let's say that you injured yourself because of your work. After some time, it is determined that y...
楊清泉律師-第13章勾銷留置權的判決內容 當房價是一路下滑,許多業主都能夠申請第13章破產擺脫他們的第二順位借貸。這個 勾銷第二和初級順位借貸的過程被稱為LAM議案,開創性案件在ReLAM林在第九巡迴上訴法院首先確認其有效性勾銷第二順位借貸上...
楊清泉律師-債權人有舉證的責任來證明索賠不應該予以免除 Creditor is required to prove by a preponderance of evidence that his claim against debtor is not di...
楊清泉律師-人壽保險賠償金額在破產案中可以豁免嗎 假設說,丈夫和妻子申請第7章破產,提交免除信用卡債務80,000美元,而就他們申請破產的一個星期後,丈夫去世了。在破產呈請的附表B,他們列出了丈夫投保的10萬美元的人壽險,妻子為受益人。問題是誰有權獲...
楊清泉律師-ARE-LIFE-INSURANCE-PROCEEDS-EXEMPT-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-2 Mrs. Walck paid $80,000 to the trustee, which exceeded the total claims of $58,824 listed in her sch...
楊清泉律師-ARE-LIFE-INSURANCE-PROCEEDS-EXEMPT-IN-BANKRUPTCY-PART-1 Let's say that husband and wife filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief to discharge $80,000 of credit...
楊清泉律師-用年齡反駁-濫用破產法 於2005年生效的新破產法帶來了兩個新概念。一個是"入息審查"。另一個是"濫用推定"。這兩者齊頭並進。 "入息審查"是對債務人的可支配收入計算的方法,以確定債務人是否符合破產的資格,並確定具體是什麼樣...

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