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  • 電話: (323) 726-0788
  • 營業時間: 7 DAYS(9-9)
  • 地址: 2325 S. Garfield Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91754
  • 網址: deliciousfoodcorner.com
  • 聯繫我們
  • 查看專精和標籤
    專精: 中國菜 標籤: 廣東餐廳 廣東菜 粵菜 港式茶餐廳 港式西餐 早餐店 早飯 早點 粵菜 粥粉麵飯 菠蘿油 西多士 厚片吐司 三文治 火蛋治 澳門豬扒包 扒餐 香茅豬扒 肉眼扒 德國鹹豬手 香煎雞扒 香煎龍利 香煎牛柳粒 焗豬扒飯 焗海鮮意粉 腸粉 蝦米腸 牛肉腸粉 叉燒腸粉 豉油皇炒麵 炸兩 油條 油炸鬼 撈丁 炒公仔麵 鮮蝦雲吞麵 柱侯牛腩麵 魚蛋粉 咖哩雞 咖哩魚蛋 明火白粥 皮蛋瘦肉粥 生滾牛肉粥 魚片粥 菜乾排骨粥 免治牛肉粥 豬紅粥 及第粥 西炒飯 雪菜肉絲炆米 鹹魚雞粒炒飯 印尼炒飯 揚州炒飯 星洲炒米 鴛鴦炒飯 乾炒牛河 椒鹽雞翼 椒鹽鮮魷 生炒骨 滑蛋蝦仁 京都排骨 京都肉排 港式奶茶 港式鴛鴦 紅豆冰 凍檸茶 菊花茶 阿華田 龍眼冰 鴛鴦冰 龍眼冰

There are very few things in this world that one can truly call their greatest passion in life. For most, identifying that passion is difficult. For us, however, this choice was easy.

Since a young age, wandering the streets of Hong Kong, we were engulfed in an every changing scene of culinary infusions uniquely influenced by both the traditional and Western cultures.

This strange yet special melting pot of flavors, in all its glory, has become our beacon in life.

After our family settled in Southern California, we were eager to duplicate this basic yet simple pleasures we had experienced in our youth. For us, there is no better way to share happiness than to give our customers a soul soothing bowl of congee.

We welcome all to come indulge in a culinary experience truly unique to Hong Kong.
