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For over twenty years, Gnomon has educated many of the world’s best digital artists. Called "the MIT of visual effects" by Fast Company magazine, Gnomon offers a variety of educational options to help students reach their goals in the entertainment industry, with both degree and vocational certificate programs, specialized courses for high school students and over 100 individual courses for professional enrichment.

Our curriculum is distinguished by our innovative philosophical approach to technology. Though there may be ever more powerful software available to visual effects artists, our emphasis remains on the creative process instead of mere technical proficiency.

Gnomon’s campus is located in Hollywood, CA, within the Television Center Studio lot. Our classrooms have been designed to cultivate creativity and learning by mimicking the environments of real production studios. Our 30,000 square foot facility has nine state-of-the-art computer labs, a green screen stage, two cycloramas, dedicated sculpture labs, a drawing studio, lecture spaces, student lounges, a student store, and the Gnomon Gallery.

Visual effects artists launched Gnomon with the support of the entertainment industry to help meet the demand for well-trained creative talent in the growing field of digital entertainment. Our graduates are professionals working on the latest blockbuster films and games, and have positions at film and video game studios around the world.
