
來源:鄭博仁律師 時間:09/23/2014 瀏覽: 5584

不幸的是,無人看管的兒童往往是溺水和游泳池事故的受害者。 (我們的律師事務所有第一手的經驗與這些類型的案件。)很多時候,只因接聽電話,或使用洗手間的時候,一個孩子就可能因此失足並落入游泳池。溺水可發生非常快,而且經常發生得非常安靜。人在水中大聲呼救,這是最常出現在電影當中的;然而,這是很少發生的情況。大多數溺水的人都是迅速並無聲地被淹沒在水底下,並沒有機會呼救幫助。 

● 確保兒童和成人在有監管的情況下使用游泳池。 
● 切勿讓池無人值守。 
● 完成使用泳池時,清除所有泳池玩具,防止孩子們因此跌入游泳池。 
● 要求來訪的客人看好他們的孩子。 
● 不要讓醉酒的人使用游泳池。 
● 確保附近有救生設備,並處於良好使用狀態。 
● 不要依靠漂浮設備幫助溺水的人。 
● 確保你有相應的保險,包括可能發生的任何意外。(一百萬美元是最低的建議。) 
● 千萬不要相信張貼警示標誌,如“游泳責任自負”之類的標籤可以保護您免受訴訟。如果有人受傷,或溺水在你的游泳池,則將很有可能向您提起索賠,不管是什麼類型的標誌被張貼。 

Swimming Pool Liability: Drowning and Personal Injury   

Before purchasing a swimming pool, homeowners must know the risks and responsibilities associated with pool ownership.  For most people, owning a swimming pool may represent the greatest amount of financial and legal risk they ever take with regard to their personal property, and if swimming pool ownership responsibilities are taken lightly, a serious personal injury or wrongful death can be the end result.  Misconceptions about drowning and swimming pools
Most people have a false belief that pools are safe unless someone is engaging in horseplay, misuse of the pool, or swimming while intoxicated, etc.  While these activites certainly create a hazardous risk, most accidental drowning cases occur when the pool is not being actively used.  
Unfortunately, unsupervised children are often victims of drowning and swimming pool accidents. (Our law firm has first-hand experience with these types of cases, and they are tragic.) In the time that it takes an individual to answer the phone or use the bathroom, a child can rapidly wander away and fall into a swimming pool.  Drowning can occur very quickly and often happens very quietly.  Visions of people flailing around in the water and screaming for help are most often seen in movies; however, this is rarely what happens.  Most people who drown slip beneath the water quickly and quietly and don't have the chance to yell or motion for help.      How do homeowners and parents protect children and others from accidentally drowning?  
Preventing accidental drownings and other personal injury from occuring at your pool is a full-time job.  And it starts with constant and close supervision of pool occupants (especially children) at all times.  However, supervision is not enough on its own.  
One of the most dangerous siutations arises when no one is in the pool.  This means that 1) the pool is not likely being supervised, and 2) someone, most likely a child, can wander into the pool area without your consent or knowledge.  So how do you protect yourself from this liability and prevent others from risk?
For the times when you are not using your pool, you must install a type of fence or gate that latches and locks, a pool cover that can be latched or secured, and an alarm that alerts the owners when there is movement near or in the pool.  Failing to follow these steps could mean trouble for the homeowner and tragic consequencesfor the person or child in the pool. 

● Gates and fencing should completely surround the pool and be at least 4 feet high.
● The gates should be self-closing, and the latches on the gates should be high enough that a child cannot reach the latch.
● Install and use a pool cover that can be secured and used whenever the pool is not in use.
● Make sure that members of the household know CPR and that rescue equipment is in good working order and kept near the pool.
● If a child goes missing; check the pool first.
● Install a pool alarm that can alert the pool owner when the surface of the water has been disrupted.

A Poolowner's Legal Liability and Accountability
No matter what you have heard or been told before, the owner of the pool is the person responsible for providing a safe environment for both children and adults who use the pool, as well as for people who live near the pool.  The homeowner is also responsible for being pro-active in accident prevention.  For some homeowners, this is a burden and responsibility that they do not want to shoulder, and sometimes why a homeowner chooses not to have a pool.  However, for those that do, the following list explains how the homeowner can help reduce accident liability:

● Make sure that both children and adults use the pool supervised.
● Never allow the pool to be unattended if it is accessible.
● When done using the pool, clear out all pool toys so that children are not tempted by them.
● Require that guests supervise their children when visiting.
● Do not allow an intoxicated person to use the pool.
● Make sure that life saving devices are kept nearby and in good condition.
● Never rely on floatation devices to protect individuals using the pool from drowning.
● Make sure that the insurance policy you have on your home includes coverage for any possible accidents that could occur in regards to the pool.  $1 million is the recommended minimum.
● Never rely on posted warning signs such as “Swim At Your Own Risk” or something similar to protect you against a lawsuit.  If someone is injured or drowns in your pool, it's very possible that a claim will be filed against you, no matter what type of sign was posted.

The bottom line: 
Property owners are responsibile for keeping their pool secure.  If a homeowner has a pool and does not take adequate measures to prevent unwanted or unsupervised individuals from gaining access to the pool, they can end up assuming liability if an accident occurs.

Law Offices ofPaul P. Cheng & Associates
Professional Law Corporation - Built on Integrity & Dignity
W: http://paulchenglaw.com
A: 301 N. Lake Ave., 8th Floor, Pasadena, CA 91101
P1: (626) 356-8880 
P2: (626) 570-8888
F: (888) 213-8196



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