章子怡蒞臨昌興珠寶剪綵 民眾爭睹巨星丰采
瀏覽: 1782
國際巨星章子怡週六下午(6月26日)緩緩步上昌興珠寶的紅地毯,為昌興聖蓋博歐米茄專賣店進行剪綵。章子怡長髮披肩,身穿黑色連身洋裝,搭配她最喜愛的歐米茄星座系列(CONSTELLATION)手錶。瑞士歐米茄全球總裁Stephen Urquhart、歐米茄北美區總經理Gregory Swift和聖蓋博市市長黃裕民(Albert Huang)等貴賓都全程參與。
章子怡來到昌興珠寶彰顯出昌興珠寶深獲歐米茄總公司的肯定。昌興珠寶代理歐米茄名錶已經四十年的歷史,是全美國最具規模,表現最亮眼的歐米茄授權經銷點之一。歐米茄全系列錶款在昌興歐米茄專賣店內應有盡有,包含星座系列(CONSTELLATION) 、海馬系列(SEAMASTER) 、超霸系列(SPEEDMASTER)、碟飛系列(DE VILLE) 等。
歐米茄聖蓋博專賣店:(626) 280-9195。羅蘭崗店: (626)810-8883。中國城店:(213)680-4799。
Zhang Ziyi attended the ribbon cutting for Chong Hing Jewelers
International superstar Zhang Ziyi slowly stepped on the red carpet of Chong Hing Jewelers and cut the ribbon for Omega Store in San Gabriel last Saturday afternoon (June 26). Zhang Ziyi worn a black one-piece dress and her favorite Omega Constellation Series watches that day. President Stephen Urquhart and General Manager of North America Gregory Swift of Omega, Mayor of San Gabriel City Albert Huang and other VIP guests participated the event.
The most favorite Omega watches in the variety series of Zhang Ziyi is the Constellation series watches, which the top surface is made of pearl with the star radiation texture, scattered outward from the center with exquisite shinning diamonds around.
Zhang Ziyi’s participation highlights the recognition of Chong Hing Jewelers by the president of Omega Corporation. It has been 40 years of history that Chong Hing Jewelers has been an authorized agency of Omega watches in the United States. Omega provides all product lines of Omega watches showcasted in Chong Hing Jewelers, including the Constellation series and Seamaster series, Speedmaster series, De Ville and so on.
Chong Hing Jewelers Website: www.chonghing.com and www.chpremier.com.
Omega San Gabriel Store: (626) 280-9195. Rowland Heights Store: (626) 810-8883. China Town Store: (213) 680-4799.